- flume cleaning
- очистка выхлопных [отходящих] газов
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Penstock — A penstock is a sluice or gate or intake structure that controls water flow, or an enclosed pipe that delivers water to hydraulic turbines and sewerage systems. It is a term that has been inherited from the technology of wooden watermills.In… … Wikipedia
JEA Northside Generating Station — in Jacksonville, Florida is a major power plant, one of the three power plants owned and operated by Jacksonville Electric Authority (JEA). It produces electricity by burning coal and petroleum coke at Units 1 and 2, the largest circulating… … Wikipedia
sugar — sugarless, adj. sugarlike, adj. /shoog euhr/, n. 1. a sweet, crystalline substance, C12H22O11, obtained chiefly from the juice of the sugarcane and the sugar beet, and present in sorghum, maple sap, etc.: used extensively as an ingredient and… … Universalium
Outline of forestry — See also: Index of forestry articles The following outline is provided as an overview of and guide to forestry: Forestry – the art and science of managing forests, tree plantations, and related natural resources. Forest ecosystems have come to be … Wikipedia
egress — Synonyms and related words: abandonment, adit, avenue, blowhole, bow out, channel, chute, cleaning out, clearance, clearing, conduit, course, debouch, decampment, defecation, depart, departure, depletion, discharging cargo, ditch, door, drainage … Moby Thesaurus
launder — laun·der || lÉ”ndÉ™(r) / lÉ”Ë v. do laundry; wash and iron; be washed; pass through an intermediary in order to disguise the source (as of illegal funds) n. trough or flume used in cleaning ore (Mining) … English contemporary dictionary
laundered — adj. washed; washed and ironed; passed through an intermediary to disguise the source (as of illegal funds); made acceptable laun·der || lÉ”ndÉ™(r) / lÉ”Ë v. do laundry; wash and iron; be washed; pass through an intermediary in order to… … English contemporary dictionary
laundering — n. washing of clothes; pass illegal funds through an intermediary in order to disguise the source and make them appear legitimate laun·der || lÉ”ndÉ™(r) / lÉ”Ë v. do laundry; wash and iron; be washed; pass through an intermediary in order to… … English contemporary dictionary
launders — laun·der || lÉ”ndÉ™(r) / lÉ”Ë v. do laundry; wash and iron; be washed; pass through an intermediary in order to disguise the source (as of illegal funds) n. trough or flume used in cleaning ore (Mining) … English contemporary dictionary