- flow pressure
- 1. гидродинамическое давление, давление потока2. располагаемое давление в водопроводе (у водоразборной точки) при полностью открытом кране
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
flow pressure — tėkmės slėgis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. flow pressure; flowing pressure vok. Fließdruck, m; Strömungsdruck, m rus. давление потока, n pranc. pression d’écoulement, f; pression de courant, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Pressure regulator — A pressure regulator is a valve that automatically cuts off the flow of a liquid or gas at a certain pressure. Regulators are used to allow high pressure fluid supply lines or tanks to be reduced to safe and/or usable pressures for various… … Wikipedia
pressure gradient — The change in pressure with horizontal distance at a fixed time. The higher the pressure gradient, the faster is the fluid flow. Pressure gradient … Aviation dictionary
Flow measurement — is the quantification of bulk fluid movement. Flow can be measured in a variety of ways. Positive displacement flow meters acumulate a fixed volume of fluid and then count the number of times the volume is filled to measure flow. Other flow… … Wikipedia
Pressure sensitive adhesive — (PSA, self adhesive, self stick adhesive) is adhesive that forms a bond when pressure is applied to marry the adhesive with the adherend. No solvent, water, or heat is needed to activate the adhesive.It is used in pressure sensitive tapes, labels … Wikipedia
Pressure controlled intermittent mandatory ventilation — (PC IMV) is any mode of mechanical ventilation with preset inspiratory pressure (Pressure Control) and inspiratory time (Ti). Spontaneous breaths (i.e., inspiration is patient triggered and patient cycled) can exist between mandatory breaths… … Wikipedia
Pressure-Correction Methods — refer to a class of methods used in computational fluid dynamics for solving the Navier Stokes equations normally for incompressible flows. Common Properties The equations solved in this approach arise from the implicit time integration of the… … Wikipedia
Pressure Regulated Volume Control — (PRVC) is a ventilator mode where the breaths are delivered mandatorily to assure preset volumes, with a constant inspiratory pressure continuously adapting to the patient s condition. The flow pattern is decelerating. This mode is a form of… … Wikipedia
Flow (Graffiteur) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Flow. Flow est un pionnier du mouvement du graffiti montréalais. Né dans la première moitié des années 70, Flow débutant sous le nom d artiste de Checker T en 1988. Il fera sa marque (au propre comme au figuré)… … Wikipédia en Français
Pressure head — is a term used in fluid mechanics to represent the internal energy of a fluid due to the pressure exerted on its container. It may also be called static pressure head or simply static head (but not static head pressure). It is mathematically… … Wikipedia
Flow forming — is a metal forming technique in which a disk or tube of metal is formed over a mandrel by a roller using tremendous pressure. The roller shears the metal, forcing it against the mandrel, creating the shape and width of the final product. [… … Wikipedia