
1) расход (жидкости, газа), скорость воды, вытекаемой из источника (выражается в единицах объёма в единицу времени)
2) поток; струя; течение; расплыв (бетонной смеси); текучесть
3) трубопровод (подающий горячую воду)
4) трещина; раковина (в материале и т. п.)
5) деформация, коробление
6) течь, протекать

flow by gravity — течь самотёком

to flow off — смываться, стекать

to flow out — вытекать

to flow over — переливаться

- flow of fluid - flow of heat - flow of light - flow of traffic - annual flow - capillary flow - continuous flow - coolant flow - daily water flow - design water flow - disturbed flow - drainage flow - dry weather flow - fire flow - filter fluid flow - free flow - freight flow - frozen flow - gravity flow - heat flow - hydraulic flow - infiltration flow - inverse flow - leak flow - leakage flow - main flow - major flow - metered flow - natural flow - nonuniform flow - nozzle flow - open-channel flow - pipe flow - plastic flow - pressure flow - recreational flows - reduced flow - reflux flow - residual flow - return flow - reverse flow - separated flow - soil flow - specific heat flow - steady flow - storm flow - streaming flow - surface flow - surplus flow - tortuous flow - traffic flow - turbulent flow - uniform flow - unrestricted flow - vertical flow - viscous flow - volume flow - weir flow - yielding flow
* * *
1.   поток, течение; сток
2.   расход
3.   подвижность (бетонной смеси); пластическое течение (материала)
- air flow
- air freight flow
- air transport flow
- annual flow
- average flow
- average annual flow
- base flow
- bimodal flow
- channel flow
- concentrated flow
- concurrent flow
- controlled flow
- convective flow
- critical flow
- design flow
- direct flow
- displacement flow
- diversion flow
- drainage flow
- drowned flow
- dry weather flow
- elastic flow
- estimated flow
- fire flow
- flood flow
- free flow
- free-surface flow
- ground-water flow
- heat flow
- hypercritical flow
- incident flow
- laminar flow
- low-water flow
- low flow
- mass flow
- multiple retrogressive flow
- natural flow
- nonstationary flow
- nonuniform flow
- normal flow
- open-channel flow
- overland flow
- peak traffic flow
- pedestrian flow
- pipe flow
- plastic flow
- pulsating flow
- regulated flow
- return flow
- reverse flow
- river flow
- seepage flow
- sheet flow
- shooting flow
- skin flow
- space air flow
- specific heat flow
- straight flow
- streaming flow
- subcritical flow
- subsurface flow
- swirling flow
- temperature-driven flow
- tortuous flow
- tranquil flow
- transient heat flow
- transition flow
- turbulent flow
- two-phase flow
- uniform flow
- unit flow
- unsteady flow
- viscous flow
- volume flow
- vortex flow
- wastewater flow

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "flow" в других словарях:

  • flow — [fləʊ ǁ floʊ] verb [intransitive] 1. if money flows somewhere, such as into a bank account or into a particular country, it is moved there: flow from/​into/​between etc • A record $10 billion in foreign capital flowed into Mexican stocks last… …   Financial and business terms

  • Flow — may refer to:In science and technology: *Dataflow, computing term related to the flow of messages between software components *Environmental flow, the amount of water necessary in a watercourse to maintain a healthy ecosystem *Flow (computer… …   Wikipedia

  • Flow — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Flow Información personal Origen Córdoba, España Información artística Género(s) …   Wikipedia Español

  • FlOw — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Flow. flOw …   Wikipédia en Français

  • flow — vb issue, emanate, proceed, stem, derive, *spring, arise, rise, originate Analogous words: emerge, *appear, loom: start, *begin, commence flow n Flow, stream, current, flood, tide, flux are comparable when meaning something issuing or moving in a …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Flow — Flow, n. 1. A stream of water or other fluid; a current; as, a flow of water; a flow of blood. [1913 Webster] 2. A continuous movement of something abundant; as, a flow of words. [1913 Webster] 3. Any gentle, gradual movement or procedure of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Flow — (fl[=o]), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Flowed} (fl[=o]d); p. pr. & vb. n. {Flowing}.] [AS. fl[=o]wan; akin to D. vloeijen, OHG. flawen to wash, Icel. fl[=o]a to deluge, Gr. plw ein to float, sail, and prob. ultimately to E. float, fleet. [root]80. Cf.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Flow — steht für: das Aufgehen (Involviertheit) in einer Tätigkeit, siehe Flow (Psychologie) eine medizinische Beatmung des Luftdurchflusses, siehe Beatmung eine rhythmische Bewegung der Stimme zum Beat beim Hip Hop, siehe Hip Hop Jargon den Fluss der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • FlOw — Разработчик thatgamecompany Издатель Sony Computer Entertainment на PS3 Создатели Гейм …   Википедия

  • Flow — 〈[floʊ] m. 6; Med.〉 Grad bzw. Geschwindigkeit des Durchströmens von Körperflüssigkeiten durch einzelne Körperteile od. Gefäße [<engl. flow „(Durch )Fluss“] * * * Flow [floʊ ], der; s, s [engl. flow »das Fließen, Strömen« zu to flow »fließen,… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • flow-on — flowˈ on noun (Aust) 1. The process by which a wage or salary increase awarded to one group of workers results in a similar increase for other workers 2. Such an increase • • • Main Entry: ↑flow * * * ˈflow on 7 [flow on flow ons] …   Useful english dictionary

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