
1) пол; перекрытие; настил
2) этаж
3) междуэтажное перекрытие
4) проезжая часть моста; мостовой настил; ездовое полотно (автодорожного моста); мостовое полотно (железнодорожного моста)
5) грунт; почва
6) основание, подстилающий слой, дно (реки)
7) днище (камеры шлюзового дока)
8) площадка; участок; отделение
9) цех (завода)
10) настилать (пол); устраивать (настил)

floor treated with fluosilicate — флюатированный пол

floor with precast beams placed close together — перекрытие из уложенных рядом сборных (железобетонных) балок

floor without joint — бесшовный пол, монолитный пол

to lay a floor — настилать пол

to nail the finished floor to the subfloor — прибивать гвоздями чистовой пол к чёрному

- floor of lock - apparatus floor - arched floor - armoured concrete floor - asphalt mastic floor - attic floor - basement floor - battle-deck floor - beam floor - beam and girder floor - beamless floor - blind floor - bridge floor - bridging floor - cellular floor - cement floor - cement-wood floor - clay floor - clinker floor - composite floor - composition floor - concrete floor - continuous floor - counter floor - dead floor - double floor - downstream floor - drying floor - earth floor - false floor - filler-joist floor - finished floor - fire-resistive floor - first floor - flat-plate floor - flatslab floor - floating floor - floating wood floor - framed floor - free floor of bridge - garret floor - girderless floor - grating floor - ground floor - gypsum floor - heated floor - heat-insulated floor - heavy-duty floor - jointless floor - matched floor - metal-deck floor - mushroom floor - noise floor - open floor - open bridge floor - overall floor - pan floor - parquet floor - pivoting floor - plank floor - precast concrete floor - raised floor - reinforced concrete floor - rib floor - seamless floor - self-levelling floor - sheet floor - single-floor - slab floor - slab and girder floor - slippery floor - sloping floor - slotted floor - solid floor - solid bridge floor - suspended floor - tile floor - timber floor - timber floor of bridge - tongue floor - troweled floor - upper floor - upstream floor - wearing floor
* * *
1.   пол
2.   перекрытие
3.   этаж

floor above grade — междуэтажное перекрытие над первым и последующим этажами

floor at entrance level — пол на уровне входа

- floor of hollow construction
- acceptable floor
- Ackerman ribbed floor
- apparatus floor
- attic floor
- basement floor
- beam floor
- beam-and-block floor
- beam-and-girder floor
- beam-and-slab floor
- beamless floor
- bedroom floor
- bridging floor
- ceiling floor
- cellular-steel floor
- cement-wood floor
- clinker floor
- composite concrete-steel deck floor
- composite floor
- composition floor
- concrete floor on grade
- concrete-arch floor
- concrete pan floor
- counter floor
- double-joisted floor
- double floor
- false floor
- filler-joist floor
- finished floor
- finish floor
- fire-resisting floor
- first floor
- flatslab floor
- floating floor
- framed floor
- ground floor
- heavily loaded floor
- heavy duty floor
- hollow block floor
- industrial floor
- jointless floor
- joisted floor
- kitchen floor
- mushroom floor
- nonslip floor
- Omnia concrete floor
- Omnia floor
- one-way floor
- open floor
- open timber floor
- open-web joist floor
- pan floor
- parquet floor
- post-tensioned floor
- pot floor
- precast beam-and-filler floor
- precast concrete floor
- production floor
- raised floor
- ribbed floor
- rough floor
- second floor
- self-leveling floor
- shallow floor
- single floor
- site-precast floor
- skip joist system floor
- slab floor
- slab and beam floor
- slab-on-grade floor
- slippery floor
- slip-resistant floor
- slotted floor
- solid floor
- solid panel floor
- sparkproof floor
- squeak-free floor
- steel grating floor
- steel grid floor
- sub floor
- superflat floor
- suspended floor
- timber floor
- top floor
- troweled floor
- typical floor
- upper floors
- upstream floor
- vacuum-treated concrete floor
- waffle-slab floor

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "floor" в других словарях:

  • Floor — (fl[=o]r), n. [AS. fl[=o]r; akin to D. vloer, G. flur field, floor, entrance hall, Icel. fl[=o]r floor of a cow stall, cf. Ir. & Gael. lar floor, ground, earth, W. llawr, perh. akin to L. planus level. Cf. {Plain} smooth.] 1. The bottom or lower… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • floor — floor·age; floor; floor·er; floor·ing; floor·less; floor·man; floor·ward; sub·floor; sea·floor; floor·wards; …   English syllables

  • floor — floor, storey In Britain the storey at ground level is called the ground floor. A single storey house is one with a ground floor only; a two storey house has a ground floor with a first floor above it; a three storey house has a second floor… …   Modern English usage

  • floor — [flôr] n. [ME flor < OE, akin to Ger flur, a plain < IE base * plā , broad, flat > PLAIN1] 1. the inside bottom surface of a room, hall, etc., on which one stands or walks 2. the bottom surface of anything [the ocean floor] 3. the… …   English World dictionary

  • Floor — Floor, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Floored}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Flooring}.] 1. To cover with a floor; to furnish with a floor; as, to floor a house with pine boards. [1913 Webster] 2. To strike down or lay level with the floor; to knock down; hence, to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • floor — n 1 a: a main level space (as in a stock exchange or legislative chamber) distinguished from a platform or gallery b: members of an assembly took questions from the floor c: the right to address an assembly the senator from Utah has the floor 2 …   Law dictionary

  • Floor — 〈[flɔ:(r)] m. 6; Wirtsch.〉 1. an Warenbörsen häufig vorhandener, separater Raum, in dem Handelsgeschäfte getätigt werden können 2. freiwillig vereinbarte Mindestrendite bei Geldanlagen mit variablem Zins [<engl. floor, eigtl. „Boden, Parkett“] …   Universal-Lexikon

  • floor — ► NOUN 1) the lower surface of a room. 2) a storey of a building. 3) the bottom of the sea, a cave, etc. 4) a minimum level of prices or wages. 5) (the floor) the part of a legislative assembly in which members sit and from which they speak. 6) ( …   English terms dictionary

  • Floor 13 — ist ein 1991 von Virgin Interactive veröffentlichtes Computerspiel für DOS Betriebssysteme. Das Spiel selbst ist im Vereinigten Königreich angesiedelt und versetzt den Spieler in die Rolle des Chefs einer fiktiven Regierungsbehörde, die als… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Floor — 〈[flɔ:(r)] m.; Gen.: s, Pl.: s; Wirtsch.〉 1. (an Warenbörsen) häufig vorhandener, separater Raum, in dem Handelsgeschäfte getätigt werden können 2. freiwillig vereinbarte Mindestrendite bei Geldanlagen mit variablem Zins [Etym.: <engl. floor,… …   Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

  • Floor — [flɔ:] der; s, s <aus engl. floor »Fußboden; Stockwerk; Sitzungssaal«, dies zu mhd. vluor »Boden(fläche), Saatfeld«>: 1. (an Produktenbörsen) abgegrenzter Raum, in dem sich die Makler zur Abwicklung von Termingeschäften zusammenfinden. 2.… …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

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