- floodplain
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Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
floodplain — also flood plain, 1873, from FLOOD (Cf. flood) + PLAIN (Cf. plain) (n.) … Etymology dictionary
Floodplain — | | [ Virgin River at the upper end of Zion Canyon, Zion National Park, Utah, has almost no floodplain at all.] | | | | |A floodplain, or flood plain, is flat or nearly flat land adjacent to a stream or river that experiences occasional or… … Wikipedia
floodplain — flood·plain also flood plain (flŭdʹplān ) n. A plain bordering a river and subject to flooding. * * * ▪ geology also called Alluvial Plain, flat land area adjacent to a stream, composed of unconsolidated sedimentary deposits (alluvium)… … Universalium
floodplain — low lying areas next to a river that are inundated seasonally from the river. May be used by fish for spawning. A living flood plain has regular floods while a fossil floodplain is beyond the reach of the highest flood … Dictionary of ichthyology
Floodplain restoration — is the process of fully or partially restoring a river s floodplain to its original conditions before having been affected by the construction of levees (dikes) and the draining of marshes. The objectives of restoring floodplains include the… … Wikipedia
floodplain — noun Date: 1873 1. level land that may be submerged by floodwaters 2. a plain built up by stream deposition … New Collegiate Dictionary
floodplain — noun An alluvial plain that experiences occasional or periodic flooding … Wiktionary
floodplain — the part of the valley floor occasionally flooded by the river. Over time sediment or alluvium builds the elevation of the plain … Geography glossary
Floodplain — Flood|plain 〈[flʌ̣dplɛın] f.; Gen.: , Pl.: s; Geogr.〉 Flachlandebene, die generell überschwemmt ist [Etym.: <engl. flood »Flut, Hochwasser« + plain »Ebene«] … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
Floodplain — Flood|plain [ flʌdplein] die; , s <zu engl. flood »Überschwemmung; Hochwasser; Flut« u. plain »Ebene« dies über (alt)fr. plain aus lat. planus »flach, eben«> generell überschwemmte Flachlandebene (Geogr.) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
floodplain — see flood plain … English dictionary