- flood-control works
- сооружения для регулирования паводков
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Flood control in the Netherlands — Without dikes, this part of the Netherlands would be flooded … Wikipedia
Flood control — For the protocol issue, see Flood control (communications). A weir was built on the Humber River (Ontario) to prevent a recurrence of a catastrophic flood. Flood control refers to all methods used to reduce or prevent the detrimental effects of… … Wikipedia
Flood Control Act of 1965 — The Flood Control Act of 1965, Title II of USPL|89|298, was enacted on October 27, 1965, by the 89th Congress and authorized the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to design and construct numerous flood control projects.… … Wikipedia
Flood Control Act of 1944 — The Pick Sloan Flood Control Act of 1944 (P.L. 78–534), enacted in the 2nd session of the 78th Congress, is U.S. legislation that authorized the construction of thousands of dams and levees across the United States. It led to the establishment of … Wikipedia
Tateyama Sabō Erosion Control Works Service Train — The nihongo|Tateyama Sabō Erosion Control Works Service Train|立山砂防工事専用軌道|Tateyama Sabō Kōji Sen yō Kidō, commonly called nihongo|Tateyama Erosion Control Train|立山砂防軌道|Tateyama Sabō Kidō, is Japanese industrial railway line in Tateyama, Toyama. It … Wikipedia
Flood — A flood is an overflow of an expanse of water that submerges land, a deluge.MSN Encarta Dictionary. [http://encarta.msn.com/encnet/features/dictionary/DictionaryResults.aspx?refid=1861612277 Flood.] Retrieved on 2006 12 28.] In the sense of… … Wikipedia
Flood v. Kuhn — Infobox SCOTUS case Litigants=Flood v. Kuhn ArgueDate=March 20 ArgueYear=1972 DecideDate=June 19 DecideYear=1972 FullName=Curt Flood v Bowie Kuhn, et al. USVol=407 USPage=258 Citation= Prior=309 F. Supp. 793 (SDNY 1970), preliminary injunction… … Wikipedia
Los Angeles County Department of Public Works — The Los Angeles County Department of Public Works (LACDPW) is responsible for the construction and operation of Los Angeles County s roads, building safety, sewerage, and flood control. DPW also operates traffic signals and intelligent… … Wikipedia
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers civil works controversies — Many of the Corps of Engineers civil works projects have been characterized as being riddled with patronage (see pork barrel) or a waste of money and resources (see boondoggle (project)) such as the New Madrid Floodway Project… … Wikipedia
Napa River Flood Project — A portion of the Napa River floodwall constructed by the Corps of Engineers. Photo taken from the 3rd Street bridge. The Napa River Napa Creek Flood Protection Project is a Civil Works project of the US Army Corps of Engineers in the city of Napa … Wikipedia
Zuiderzee Works — The 32 km Afsluitdijk separates the IJsselmeer (right) from the Wadden Sea (left), protecting thousands of km² of land. The Zuiderzee Works (Dutch: Zuiderzeewerken) are a manmade system of dams, land reclamation and water drainage works, the… … Wikipedia