- flexible module
- автоматический шлюз-регулятор
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Module conditionnel d'accès — Interface commune L’interface commune (ou sigle CI de l anglais Common Interface) désigne un système relatif au « contrôle d accès » des programmes et services payants ou optionnels exploité principalement par la norme DVB. Il exploite… … Wikipédia en Français
Module d'accès conditionnel — Interface commune L’interface commune (ou sigle CI de l anglais Common Interface) désigne un système relatif au « contrôle d accès » des programmes et services payants ou optionnels exploité principalement par la norme DVB. Il exploite… … Wikipédia en Français
module — /moj oohl/, n. 1. a separable component, frequently one that is interchangeable with others, for assembly into units of differing size, complexity, or function. 2. any of the individual, self contained segments of a spacecraft, designed to… … Universalium
Photovoltaic module — In the field of photovoltaics, a photovoltaic module is a packaged interconnected assembly of photovoltaic cells, also known as solar cells. An installation of photovoltaic modules or panels is known as a photovoltaic array or a solar panel.… … Wikipedia
Flexible warehousing module — Гибкий складской модуль … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Projective module — In mathematics, particularly in abstract algebra and homological algebra, the concept of projective module over a ring R is a more flexible generalisation of the idea of a free module (that is, a module with basis vectors). Various equivalent… … Wikipedia
Perl module — A Perl module is a discrete component of software for the Perl programming language. Technically, it is a particular set of conventions for using Perl s package mechanism that has become universally adopted.[discuss] A module defines its source… … Wikipedia
Cis-regulatory module — (CRM) is a stretch of DNA, usually 100 1000 DNA base pairs in length,[1] where a number of transcription factors can bind and regulate expression of nearby genes. One cis regulatory element can regulate several genes,[2] and conversely, one gene… … Wikipedia
Subscriber Identity Module — /* */ Subscriber Identity Module Pour les articles homonymes … Wikipédia en Français
Solar panel — Photovoltaic module redirects here. For the heat collectors, see Solar thermal collector. An installation of solar panels in rural Mongolia … Wikipedia
Solarmodul — Ein Solarmodul oder Photovoltaikmodul wandelt das Licht der Sonne direkt in elektrische Energie um. Als wichtigste Bestandteile enthält es mehrere Solarzellen. Solarmodule auf einem Niedrigenergie Mehrfamilienhaus Solarmodule werden einzeln oder… … Deutsch Wikipedia