flat curve

flat curve
пологая кривая (пути)
* * *
кривая большого радиуса (на автомобильной дороге), пологая кривая

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "flat curve" в других словарях:

  • flat curve — lėkštoji kreivė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. flat curve vok. Flachkurve, f rus. пологая кривая, f pranc. courbe plate, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Flat tax — A flat tax (short for flat rate tax) is a tax system with a constant tax rate. [James, Simon (1998) A Dictionary of Taxation , Edgar Elgar Publishing Limited: Northampton, MA] Usually the term flat tax would refer to household income (and… …   Wikipedia

  • Curve orientation — In mathematics, a positively oriented curve is a planar simple closed curve (that is, a curve in the plane whose starting point is also the end point and which has no other self intersections) such that when traveling on it one always has the… …   Wikipedia

  • Curve of constant width — A Reuleaux triangle is a curve of constant width. The sides of the square are supporting lines: each touches the curve but does not intersect the interior. The Reuleaux triangle can be rotated whilst always touching each side of the square in a… …   Wikipedia

  • Flat Yield Curve — A yield curve in which there is little difference between short term and long term rates for bonds of the same credit quality. This type of yield curve is often seen during transitions between normal and inverted curves. When short and long term… …   Investment dictionary

  • flat-rated engine — A term applicable to turboprop and turboshaft engines. A flat rated engine’s thrust remains practically constant during an increase in altitude up to a certain limit. A method of referring to the engine rated thrust or engine rated shaft horse… …   Aviation dictionary

  • Curve (disambiguation) — A curve is a geometrical object in mathematics. Curve may also refer to: Curve (band), an English music group Curve (magazine), a U.S. lesbian magazine Curve (design magazine), an industrial design magazine Curve (album), an album by Doc Walker… …   Wikipedia

  • flat — 1. adj., adv., n., & v. adj. (flatter, flattest) 1 a horizontally level (a flat roof). b even; smooth; unbroken; without projection or indentation (a flat stomach). c with a level surface and little depth; shallow (a flat cap; a flat heel). 2… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Curve of spee — In Anatomy, the Curve of Spee (called also von Spee s curve or Spee s curvature) is defined as the curvature of the mandibular occlusal plane beginning at the tip of the lower cuspid and following the buccal cusps of the posterior teeth,… …   Wikipedia

  • curve — n. & v. n. 1 a line or surface having along its length a regular deviation from being straight or flat, as exemplified by the surface of a sphere or lens. 2 a curved form or thing. 3 a curved line on a graph. 4 Baseball a ball caused to deviate… …   Useful english dictionary

  • flat arch — noun an arch with mutually supporting voussoirs that has a straight horizontal extrados and intrados • Syn: ↑straight arch • Hypernyms: ↑arch * * * noun : a spanning member constructed of mutually supporting voussoirs and having a straight or… …   Useful english dictionary

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