- fixed arch
- бесшарнирная арка* * *бесшарнирная арка
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
fixed arch — noun : an arch without hinges … Useful english dictionary
ARCH Air Medical Service — ARCH Air Medical Service, Inc. is an emergency medical service (EMS) that provides critical care air ambulance service in Missouri, Illinois, and the surrounding regions. Air ambulance programs (also known as Medevac) offer transport by… … Wikipedia
Arch support — An arch support is an appliance shaped in a manner to provide underside support tothe feet. Proper design can eliminate foot or heel pain, or can eliminate pain elsewhere in the body.Example of a foot support arch… … Wikipedia
arch — Any structure resembling a bent bow or an a.; an arc. In anatomy, any vaulted or archlike structure. See arcus. SYN: arcus [TA]. [thru O. Fr. fr. L. arcus, bow] abdominothoracic a. a bell shaped line defined by the lower end of the sternum and… … Medical dictionary
Arch of Gallienus — Commons|Arco di GallienoThe Arch of Gallienus is an ancient Roman arch in Rome, built in 262 on the site of the Porta Esquilina, the start of the via Labicana and via Tiburtina. It was built by a private citizen, the equestrian Marcus Aurelius… … Wikipedia
Fixed cut-off — Expansion Ex*pan sion, n. [L. expansio: cf. F. expansion.] 1. The act of expanding or spreading out; the condition of being expanded; dilation; enlargement. [1913 Webster] 2. That which is expanded; expanse; extend surface; as, the expansion of a … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fixed expansion gear — Expansion Ex*pan sion, n. [L. expansio: cf. F. expansion.] 1. The act of expanding or spreading out; the condition of being expanded; dilation; enlargement. [1913 Webster] 2. That which is expanded; expanse; extend surface; as, the expansion of a … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fixed lingual arch — a space retaining appliance consisting of an arch wire designed to fit the lingual surface of the teeth, and soldered to metal crowns or orthodontic bands. Called also stationary lingual a … Medical dictionary
fixed capital — capital cap i*tal (k[a^]p [i^]*tal), n. [Cf. L. capitellum and capitulum, a small head, the head, top, or capital of a column, dim. of caput head; F. chapiteau, OF. capitel. See {chief}, and cf. {cattle}, {chattel}, {chapiter}, {chapter}.] 1.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
arch head — Mach. a vertical, arc shaped member fixed to the end of a walking beam, for supporting a chain from which a pump rod or the like is suspended in such a way as to let it rise and fall vertically. * * * … Universalium
arch head — Mach. a vertical, arc shaped member fixed to the end of a walking beam, for supporting a chain from which a pump rod or the like is suspended in such a way as to let it rise and fall vertically … Useful english dictionary