allowable axial load

allowable axial load
допускаемая осевая нагрузка

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "allowable axial load" в других словарях:

  • Buckling — In engineering, buckling is a failure mode characterized by a sudden failure of a structural member subjected to high compressive stresses, where the actual compressive stress at the point of failure is less than the ultimate compressive stresses …   Wikipedia

  • Cold formed steel — (CFS) is the common term for products made by rolling or pressing thin gauges of sheet steel into goods. Cold formed steel goods are created by the working of sheet steel using stamping, rolling, or presses to deform the sheet into a usable… …   Wikipedia

  • Bearing (mechanical) — A bearing is a device to allow constrained relative motion between two or more parts, typically rotation or linear movement. Bearings may be classified broadly according to the motions they allow and according to their principle of operation as… …   Wikipedia

  • Strength of materials — Internal force lines are denser near the hole, a common stress concentration In materials science, the strength of a material is its ability to withstand an applied stress without failure. The applied stress may be tensile, compressive, or shear …   Wikipedia

  • Atmospheric reentry — refers to the movement of human made or natural objects as they enter the atmosphere of a planet from outer space, in the case of Earth from an altitude above the edge of space. This article primarily addresses the process of controlled reentry… …   Wikipedia

  • ГОСТ Р 54806-2011: Насосы центробежные. Технические требования. Класс 1 — Терминология ГОСТ Р 54806 2011: Насосы центробежные. Технические требования. Класс 1 оригинал документа: 3.6 базовое расчетное давление (basic design pressure): Давление, подвергающее примененный материал находящихся под давлением деталей… …   Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации

  • electric motor — motor (def. 4). [1885 90] * * * Introduction       any of a class of devices that convert electrical energy to mechanical energy, usually by employing electromagnetic phenomena.       Most electric motors develop their mechanical torque by the… …   Universalium

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