- allot
- ком.выделять (средства)* * *распределять; отводить (участок), выделять (долю)
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
allot — al‧lot [əˈlɒt ǁ əˈlɑːt] verb allotted PTandPP allotting PRESPART [transitive] to decide officially to give something to someone or to use something for a particular purpose: • Each employee was allotted 100 shares in the company. * * * allot UK… … Financial and business terms
allot — allot, assign, apportion, allocate mean to give as one’s share, portion, role, or place. Allot implies more or less arbitrary or haphazard selection and in itself conveys no suggestion of a fair or equal distribution {allotted himself an hour a… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Allot — Al*lot , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Allotted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Allotting}.] [OF. aloter, F. allotir; a (L. ad) + lot lot. See {Lot}.] 1. To distribute by lot. [1913 Webster] 2. To distribute, or parcel out in parts or portions; or to distribute to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
allot — I verb addicere, administer, adsignare, allocate, appoint, apportion, assign, deal, delimit, demarcate, designate, dispense, disperse, dispose, distribuere, distribute, divide, dole, earmark, indicate, measure, mete, mete out, parcel out,… … Law dictionary
allot — [ə lät′] vt. allotted, allotting [OFr aloter < a , to + loter < lot, lot, of Gmc orig.: see LOT] 1. to distribute by lot or in arbitrary shares; apportion 2. to give or assign as one s share [each speaker is allotted five minutes] SYN.… … English World dictionary
Allot — Le nom est notamment porté en Bretagne (56, 22) et dans la Somme. Au moins en Picardie, ce devrait être une variante de Hallot (voir ce nom). A envisager aussi le diminutif d un nom de personne, peut être le prénom féminin Alis (voir ce nom) … Noms de famille
allot — (v.) late 15c., from O.Fr. aloter (Mod.Fr. allotir) to divide by lots, to divide into lots, from à to (see AD (Cf. ad )) + loter lot, a word of Germanic origin (Cf. Goth. hlauts, O.H.G. hloz, O.E. hlot; see LOT (Cf … Etymology dictionary
allot — verb has inflected forms allots, allotted, allotting, but note allotment (one t) … Modern English usage
allot — [v] assign; give portion admeasure, allocate, appoint, apportion, appropriate, assign, budget, cut, cut the pie*, designate, distribute, divvy*, dole, earmark, mete, set aside, share, shell out*, slice, split up; concepts 41,108 Ant. disallow,… … New thesaurus
allot — ► VERB (allotted, allotting) ▪ apportion or assign to. DERIVATIVES allottee noun. ORIGIN Old French aloter, from Latin loter divide into lots … English terms dictionary
Allot — Infobox Company | company name = Allot Communications company company type = Public (nasdaq|ALLT) foundation = 1996 industry = Technology revenue = $34.1 million USD num employees = 250 location = Hod Hasharon, Israel key people = CEO: Rami Hadar … Wikipedia