fire alarm device

fire alarm device
пожарный оповещатель

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "fire alarm device" в других словарях:

  • Fire alarm — Fire Fire (f[imac]r), n. [OE. fir, fyr, fur AS. f[=y]r; akin to D. vuur, OS. & OHG. fiur, G. feuer, Icel. f[=y]ri, f[=u]rr, Gr. py^r, and perh. to L. purus pure, E. pure Cf. {Empyrean}, {Pyre}.] 1. The evolution of light and heat in the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • fire alarm — fire alarms N COUNT A fire alarm is a device that makes a noise, for example with a bell, to warn people when there is a fire …   English dictionary

  • fire alarm — ► NOUN ▪ a device making a loud noise that gives warning of a fire …   English terms dictionary

  • Fire alarm control panel — A fire alarm control panel (FACP), also called a fire alarm panel. Technicians usually refer to the FACP as the panel. A fire alarm control panel is the central control device that receives information from input devices (smoke detectors, heat… …   Wikipedia

  • fire alarm — noun 1. a shout or bell to warn that fire has broken out • Hypernyms: ↑alarm, ↑alert, ↑warning signal, ↑alarum 2. an alarm that is tripped off by fire or smoke • Syn: ↑smoke alarm • Hyperny …   Useful english dictionary

  • Fire alarm pull station — A fire alarm pull station is an active fire protection device, usually wall mounted, that, when activated, initiates an alarm on a fire alarm system. In its simplest form, the user activates the alarm by pulling the handle down, which completes a …   Wikipedia

  • fire alarm — 1. a signal that warns that a fire has started. 2. a bell, buzzer, siren, horn, etc., that provides such a signal. [1840 50, Amer.] * * *       means of warning in case of fire. Originally, watchmen provided the only fire alarm system, but, with… …   Universalium

  • Fire alarm box — A fire alarm box is an outdoor device used for notifying a fire department of a fire. Early boxes used the telegraph system and were the main method of calling the fire department to a neighborhood in the days before people had telephones. When… …   Wikipedia

  • fire alarm — noun a) An electromechanical or electronic bell, klaxon, chime, horn, speaker, strobe light or other device which warns people in a building of a possible fire or other condition requiring evacuation …   Wiktionary

  • fire alarm — smoke detector, device that detects smoke from a fire and emits a danger signal; danger signal warning of a fire …   English contemporary dictionary

  • fire alarm — noun a device making a loud noise that gives warning of a fire …   English new terms dictionary

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