- filter press
- фильтр-пресс (для отделения твёрдых частиц от жидкости с применением избыточного давления)* * *фильтр-пресс
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Filter press — The filter press is an industrial machine, used for solid/liquid separation processes. The solid/liquid separation process with the filter press, is gotten through filtering cloths and plates. The filter presses are assembled with two different… … Wikipedia
filter-press — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ transitive verb Etymology: filter press : to pass through a filter press … Useful english dictionary
filter press — filtrpresas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Periodinio veikimo didelio slėgio filtras suspensijoms perskirti. atitikmenys: angl. filter press; pressure filter rus. фильтр пресс … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
filter press — noun : a filter consisting usually of a series of rigid corrugated plates with intervening filter medium (as cloth) assembled in a framework so that the suspension to be filtered can be forced under pressure into the assembled press and the… … Useful english dictionary
filter press — In petroleum refining, the equipment used to separate wax and oil in paraffin wax distillates. It consists of a series of canvas covered plates separated by narrow iron rings. The distillate is run into a narrow bore extending the length of the… … Petroleum refining glossary
filter press — /ˈfɪltə prɛs/ (say filtuh pres) noun an apparatus used for filtering on an industrial scale, consisting of a series of metal or wooden frames covered with filter cloth between which the liquid to be filtered is pumped …
filter press — Смотри Фильтр пресс … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
filter press — noun a device consisting of a series of filters used for the filtration of liquid under pressure … English new terms dictionary
press cake — noun : a cake of compressed substance: as a. : a filter cake formed in a filter press (as in the manufacture of cane sugar) b. : an oil cake obtained by expression … Useful english dictionary
Filter (aquarium) — Aquarium filters are critical components of both freshwater and marine aquaria.cite book |last=Riehl |first=Rüdiger. Editor. |coauthors=Baensch, HA |title=Aquarium Atlas |year=1996. 5th Edn. |publisher=Tetra Press |location=Germany |isbn=3 88244… … Wikipedia
press out — verb 1. extinguish by crushing (Freq. 1) stub out your cigar • Syn: ↑stub out, ↑crush out, ↑extinguish • Hypernyms: ↑end, ↑terminate … Useful english dictionary