Fillister — Fil lis*ter, n. 1. The rabbet on the outer edge of a sash bar to hold the glass and the putty. Knight. [1913 Webster] 2. A plane for making a rabbet. [1913 Webster] {Fillister screw had}, a short cylindrical screw head, having a convex top. [1913 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fillister — [fil′is tər] n. [< ?] 1. a plane for cutting grooves in wood 2. a groove, as one in a window frame for holding the glass … English World dictionary
fillister — /fil euh steuhr/, n. Carpentry. 1. a rabbet or groove, as one on a window sash to hold the glass and putty. 2. Also called fillister plane. a plane for cutting rabbets or grooves. Also, filister. [1810 20; orig. uncert.] * * * … Universalium
Fillister screw had — Fillister Fil lis*ter, n. 1. The rabbet on the outer edge of a sash bar to hold the glass and the putty. Knight. [1913 Webster] 2. A plane for making a rabbet. [1913 Webster] {Fillister screw had}, a short cylindrical screw head, having a convex… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fillister head — noun or fillister screwhead : a slotted cylindrical screwhead with a convex or flat top * * * a cylindrical screw head. See illus. under screw … Useful english dictionary
fillister screwhead — noun see fillister head … Useful english dictionary
fillister — noun A rabbet / rebate for holding a sash window … Wiktionary
fillister — n. groove in window pane into which glass is set … English contemporary dictionary
fillister — [ fɪlɪstə] noun a rebate for holding a sash window. Origin C19: perh. from Fr. feuilleret … English new terms dictionary
fillister — fil·lis·ter … English syllables
fillister — /ˈfɪləstə/ (say filuhstuh) noun a rebate or groove, as one on a window sash to hold the glass and putty. {19th century; origin unknown} …