filler slurry

filler slurry
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Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "filler slurry" в других словарях:

  • Fluid catalytic cracking — (FCC) is the most important conversion process used in petroleum refineries. It is widely used to convert the high boiling hydrocarbon fractions of petroleum crude oils to more valuable gasoline, olefinic gases and other products.cite book|author …   Wikipedia

  • Brazing — This article is about the metal joining process. For the cooking technique, see braising. Brazing practice Brazing is a metal joining process whereby a filler metal is heated above and distributed between two or more close fitting parts by… …   Wikipedia

  • Deinking — is the industrial process of removing printing ink from paperfibers of recycled paper to make deinked pulp. The key in the deinking process is the ability to detach ink from the fibers. This is achieved by a combination of mechanical action and… …   Wikipedia

  • cement — cementable, adj. cementer, n. cementless, adj. /si ment /, n. 1. any of various calcined mixtures of clay and limestone, usually mixed with water and sand, gravel, etc., to form concrete, that are used as a building material. 2. any of various… …   Universalium

  • Calcium carbonate — Calcium carbonate …   Wikipedia

  • Sausage — This article is about the prepared meat. For other uses, see Sausage (disambiguation). Kiełbasa Biała (white sausage), Szynkowa (smoked), Śląska, and Podhalańska styles (Poland) A sausage is a food usually made from ground meat (normally pork or… …   Wikipedia

  • Fourdrinier machine — The Fourdrinier Machine is the basis for most modern papermaking, and it has been used in some variation since its conception. The Fourdrinier accomplishes all the steps needed to transform a source of wood pulp into a final paper… …   Wikipedia

  • Melamine — This article is about the chemical compound. For the plastic also called melamine , see melamine resin. Melamine …   Wikipedia

  • Acid mine drainage — Yellow boy in a stream receiving acid drainage from surface coal mining. Acid mine drainage (AMD), or acid rock drainage (ARD), refers to the outflow of acidic water from (usually abandoned) metal mines or coal mines. However, other areas where… …   Wikipedia

  • Paper recycling — is the process of recovering waste paper and remaking it into new paper products. There are three categories of paper that can be used as feedstocks for making recycled paper: mill broke, pre consumer waste, and post consumer waste.cite web title …   Wikipedia

  • West Pharmaceutical Services explosion — The West Pharmaceutical Plant explosion was an industrial disaster that occurred on January 29, 2003 at the West Pharmaceutical Plant in Kinston, North Carolina, United States. Six people were killed and thirty six people were injured when a… …   Wikipedia

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