field conditions

field conditions
1) реальные условия эксплуатации
2) полевые условия (напр. проведения ремонтных работ)
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1. реальные условия эксплуатации (аэродрома)
2. аэродромная обстановка

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "field conditions" в других словарях:

  • field test —    A test run in the field under normal field conditions [16] …   Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology

  • field identification — the determination of the taxonomic identity of an individual specimen, under field conditions, often with the aid of keys …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • field notes — observations in a journal format on collections made, their habitat and locality, field conditions, colour in life, etc. recorded when the collections were made …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • field maintenance — Maintenance carried out in field conditions. It includes replenishment, turnaround servicing, and normally replacement of parts instead of repairs …   Aviation dictionary

  • field test — field test, field test field testv. t. to test something in the field, i. e. under the actual conditions under which it will be used; as, The Army field tested the new tanks. Used in contrast with testing in a laboratory or under controlled… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • field-test — field test, field test field testv. t. to test something in the field, i. e. under the actual conditions under which it will be used; as, The Army field tested the new tanks. Used in contrast with testing in a laboratory or under controlled… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • CONDITIONS — (Heb. תְּנָאִים, tena im). Definition Conditions is an ambiguous word inasmuch as it refers not only to the external factors upon which the existence of an agreement is made to depend but also to the actual terms of the contract itself. Thus, one …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Field Day — is an annual amateur radio exercise, widely sponsored by IARU regions and member organizations, encouraging emergency communications preparedness among amateur radio operators. In the United States, it is typically the largest single emergency… …   Wikipedia

  • Field crumpets — is a game played with two teams of players which try to score points by hitting the crumpet into the opposing team s goal using their crumpet sticks . Created in 1996 by Robbie Overton [ []… …   Wikipedia

  • Field Target — is an outdoor air gun discipline originating in the United Kingdom, on the late 1980s, but gaining popularity worldwide.UK RulesIn UK (United Kingdom) rules, competitors aim to shoot the small “kill” zone that forms part of a larger metal… …   Wikipedia

  • Field research — Field research/primary market research has traditional been thought different from methods of research conducted in a laboratory or academic setting. It was developed originally from anthropology and is sometimes know as participant research, or… …   Wikipedia

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