alkalinity of concrete

alkalinity of concrete
щелочной показатель бетона
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щёлочность бетона, щелочные свойства бетона, щелочной показатель бетона

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "alkalinity of concrete" в других словарях:

  • Concrete degradation — may have various causes. Concrete can be damaged by fire, aggregate expansion, sea water effects, bacterial corrosion, calcium leaching, physical damage and chemical damage (from carbonation, chlorides, sulfates and distilled water). This process …   Wikipedia

  • Concrete cancer — is a colloquial name for the deterioration of concrete caused by the presence of contaminants or the action of weather combined with atmospheric properties. While often used in the context of the rusting of concrete reinforcement bar (rebar), the …   Wikipedia

  • Reinforced concrete — is concrete in which reinforcement bars ( rebars ), reinforcement grids, plates or fibers have been incorporated to strengthen the concrete in tension. It was invented by French gardener Joseph Monier in 1849 and patented in 1867.[1] The term… …   Wikipedia

  • Fly ash — Photomicrograph made with a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM): Fly ash particles at 2,000x magnification Fly ash is one of the residues generated in combustion, and comprises the fine particles that rise with the flue gases. Ash which does not… …   Wikipedia

  • Magnesium chloride — Magnesium chloride …   Wikipedia

  • Carbonatation — is a chemical reaction where calcium hydroxide reacts with carbon dioxide and forms insoluble calcium carbonate::Ca(OH)2 + CO2 rarr; CaCO3 + H2OThe process of forming a carbonate is also referred to as carbonation, although this term can also… …   Wikipedia

  • Base (chemistry) — For the term in genetics, see base (genetics) Acids and Bases Acid dissociation constant Acid base extraction Acid–base reaction Acid–base titration …   Wikipedia

  • Pozzolana — Pozzolana, also known as pozzolanic ash, is a fine, sandy volcanic ash, originally discovered and dug in Italy at Pozzuoli in the region around Vesuvius, but later at a number of other sites. Vitruvius speaks of four types of pozzolana: black,… …   Wikipedia

  • Aquarium — An aquarium (plural aquariums or aquaria ) is a vivarium consisting of at least one transparent side in which water dwelling plants or animals are kept. Fishkeepers use aquaria to keep fish, invertebrates, amphibians, marine mammals, and aquatic… …   Wikipedia

  • Hydrogen peroxide — IUPAC name …   Wikipedia

  • Mineral CSA (brand) — Mineral CSA is a finely ground calcium silicate feedstock produced by the U.S. based company Harsco Minerals, which provides a solution for correcting acidic conditions and managing toxic metals associated with acid mine drainage (AMD). Mineral… …   Wikipedia

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