- fabric form
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Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Fabric structure — Fabric structures are architecturally innovative forms of constructed fibers that provide end users a variety of aesthetic free form building designs. Custom made fabric structures are engineered and fabricated to meet worldwide structural, flame … Wikipedia
Fabric softener — (also called fabric conditioner) is used to prevent static cling and make fabric softer. It is available as a liquid, crystals and dryer sheets. Contents 1 Varieties 2 Composition 3 See also 4 Refe … Wikipedia
fabric — Synonyms and related words: Aralac, Avisco, Axminster, Celanese, Dacron, Dymaxion house, Dynel, Georgette, Harris Tweed, Lastex, Leatherette, Orlon, Qiana, Revolite, Terylene, Ultrasuede, Velon, Vicara, White House, acetate, acetate rayon, adobe… … Moby Thesaurus
form — Synonyms and related words: Berkeleianism, Hegelianism, Kantianism, MO, Masan, Neoplatonism, Platonic form, Platonic idea, Platonism, Procrustean law, SOP, absolute idealism, accumulate, acquire, act, adjustment, algorithm, allocation, allomorph … Moby Thesaurus
Fabric tube turning — Fabrics are often sewn inside out, in a tube form, or in a manner to allow a filler (such as cording) to be added. The process of turning the fabric tube has several variations. [http://www.sewing.org/files/guidelines/1 150 tube turners1.pdf]… … Wikipedia
fabric — noun 1) the finest silk fabric Syn: cloth, material, textile, tissue 2) the fabric of society Syn: structure, infrastructure, framework, frame, form, composition, construction, found … Thesaurus of popular words
form — n 1. configuration, figuration, conformation, formation, arrangement, disposition, organization, order; structure, construction, construct, frame, framework, exterior, outward form. 2. figure, physique, build, skeletal structure, body, person;… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
fabric body — A simple form of lightweight bodywork in which a waterproof, cloth backed material is stretched over a wooden framework popular around 1930 and still used later by DKW and even after WWII by Lloyd … Dictionary of automotive terms
Nonwoven fabric — Felt: a non woven cloth Nonwoven fabric is a fabric like material made from long fibres, bonded together by chemical, mechanical, heat or solvent treatment. The term is used in the textile manufacturing industry to denote fabrics, such as felt,… … Wikipedia
The Fabric of Reality — is a 1997 book by physicist David Deutsch, which expands upon his views of quantum mechanics and its meanings for understanding reality.This interpretation, or what he calls the multiverse hypothesis, is one strand of a four strand theory of… … Wikipedia
Moire (fabric) — Moire ribbons In textiles, a moire (pronounced /ˈmwɑr/ or /ˈmɔr/) (less often, moiré) is a fabric with a wavy (watered) appearance produced mainly from silk, but also wool, cotton and rayon. The watered ap … Wikipedia