extension device

extension device
выдвижное [раздвижное] устройство

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "extension device" в других словарях:

  • extension — [ek sten′shən] n. [ME extensioun < L extensio < pp. of extendere: see EXTEND] 1. an extending or being extended 2. the amount or degree to which something is or can be extended; range; extent 3. a part that forms a continuation or addition… …   English World dictionary

  • extension lead — noun A length of electrical cable with a plug at one end and a socket at the other, which can be used to connect an appliance when the electrical supply is some distance away • • • Main Entry: ↑extend * * * exˈtension lead [extension lead] (also …   Useful english dictionary

  • Extension cord — An extension cord, power extender, or extension lead is a length of flexible electrical power cable (flex) with a plug on one end and one or more sockets on the other end (usually of the same type as the plug). The term usually refers to mains… …   Wikipedia

  • EXTension Port — names the ports placed on their consoles allowing for connectivity to either other systems, or peripherals that were released after the fact.EXT named ports can be found on many Nintendo consoles, such as the Game Boy, the Super Nintendo, the… …   Wikipedia

  • extension cord — noun an electric cord used to extend the length of a power cord • Hypernyms: ↑cord, ↑electric cord * * * Elect. an electric cord having a standard plug at one end and a standard electric jack at the other. [1945 50] * * * extension cord, a length …   Useful english dictionary

  • Device independent file format — DVI stands for device independent. There also is an article about device independent. Device independent (DVI) Evince previewing a DVI file. Note that referenced images are not displayed, because they are not part of the DVI file. Images will be… …   Wikipedia

  • extension cord — noun An electrical cord with a plug one end, and a single socket or a multi port socket at the other end, used for powering one or more devices at a distance, too far from the wall outlet to be reached by the normal cords of the device or devices …   Wiktionary

  • extension link —   n.    a device which is used to extend the backset of a spring latch or dead latch …   Locksmith dictionary

  • extension cord — /əkˈstɛnʃən kɔd/ (say uhk stenshuhn kawd) noun an electrical cord which can be connected to the cord attached to an appliance, device, etc., to extend its reach …  

  • Season extension — In agriculture, season extension refers to anything that allows a crop to be cultivated beyond its normal outdoor growing season. For colder climates, the fully heated and artificially lit greenhouse is the ultimate season extension device,… …   Wikipedia

  • DRV extension — extension which indicates a device manager file …   English contemporary dictionary

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