explosive range

explosive range
область взрывоопасных концентраций

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "explosive range" в других словарях:

  • Explosive velocity — Explosive velocity, also known as detonation velocity or velocity of detonation (VoD), is the velocity at which the shock wave front travels through a detonated explosive. The data listed for a specific substance is usually a rough prediction… …   Wikipedia

  • explosive — explosively, adv. explosiveness, n. /ik sploh siv/, adj. 1. tending or serving to explode: an explosive temper; Nitroglycerin is an explosive substance. 2. pertaining to or of the nature of an explosion: explosive violence. 3. likely to lead to… …   Universalium

  • Explosive lens — An explosive lens as used, for example, in nuclear weapons is a highly specialized explosive charge. In general, it is a device composed of several explosive charges that are shaped in such a way as to change the shape of the detonation wave… …   Wikipedia

  • Range Safety Officer — In the field of rocketry, Range Safety Officer (RSO) is a generic term referring to an individual who monitors the performance of rockets in flight, and who is responsible for their remote destruction if it should be judged that they pose a… …   Wikipedia

  • High explosive anti-tank warhead — High explosive anti tank (HEAT) rounds are made of an explosive shaped charge that uses the Neumann effect (a development of the Munroe effect) to create a very high velocity jet of metal in a state of superplasticity that can punch through solid …   Wikipedia

  • Squib (explosive) — A typical Chinese Squib A squib is a miniature explosive device used in a wide range of industries, from special effects to military applications. It resembles a tiny stick of dynamite, both in appearance and construction, although with… …   Wikipedia

  • Long Range Desert Group — The Long Range Desert Group (LRDG) was a British Army unit during World War II. The unit was founded in Egypt, following the Italian declaration of war in June 1940, by Major Ralph A. Bagnold with the assistance of Captains Patrick Clayton and… …   Wikipedia

  • Improvised explosive device — Ammunition rigged for an IED discovered by Iraqi police in Baghdad in November 2005 …   Wikipedia

  • Polymer-bonded explosive — A polymer bonded explosive, also called PBX or plastic bonded explosive, is an explosive material in which explosive powder is bound together in a matrix using small quantities (typically 5–10% by weight) of a synthetic polymer ( plastic ). Note… …   Wikipedia

  • Dense Inert Metal Explosive — (DIME) is an experimental type of explosive that has a relatively small but effective blast radius. It is manufactured by producing a homogeneous mixture of an explosive material (such as HMX or RDX) and small particles of a chemically inert… …   Wikipedia

  • Coast Range Arc — Image of the Pacific Northwest. Red indicates the inferred boundaries of the Coast Range Arc. The Coast Range Arc was a large volcanic arc system, extending from northern Washington through British Columbia and the Alaska Panhandle to… …   Wikipedia

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