- excess load
- чрезмерная нагрузка* * *чрезмерная нагрузка; перегрузка
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
load someone/thing with — supply with (something) in overwhelming abundance or to excess. → load … English new terms dictionary
Load balancing (computing) — Load balancing is a computer networking methodology to distribute workload across multiple computers or a computer cluster, network links, central processing units, disk drives, or other resources, to achieve optimal resource utilization,… … Wikipedia
load to excess — index overload Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Load balancing — or load distribution may refer to: Load balancing (computing), balancing a workload amongst multiple computer devices Load balancing (electrical power), the storing of excess electrical power by power stations during low demand periods, for… … Wikipedia
load — [n1] cargo, freight amount, bale, bundle, capacity, charge, consignment, contents, encumbrance, goods, haul, heft, hindrance, lading, mass, pack, parcel, part, payload, shipment, shot, weight; concepts 338,432 load [n2] burden, pressure… … New thesaurus
Load balancing (electrical power) — (daily peak demand reserve) refers to the use of various techniques by electrical power stations to store excess electrical power during low demand periods for release as demand rises. [cite web url=http://www.electricitystorage.org/technologies.h… … Wikipedia
load — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. burden; cargo, lading, shipment; charge. See gravity, transportation. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [A physical burden] Syn. weight, encumbrance, carload, wagonload, hindrance, shipload, parcel, pressure,… … English dictionary for students
load — I. noun Etymology: Middle English lod, from Old English lād support, carrying more at lode Date: 12th century 1. a. the quantity that can be carried at one time by a specified means; especially a measured quantity of a commodity fixed for each… … New Collegiate Dictionary
load — 1. A departure from normal body content, as of water, salt, or heat; positive loads are quantities in excess of the normal; negative loads are quantities in deficit. 2. The quantity of a measurable … Medical dictionary
load — noun 1》 a heavy or bulky thing that is being carried or is about to be carried. ↘[in combination] the total number or amount that can be carried in a vehicle or container: a carload of people. 2》 a weight or source of pressure. ↘the… … English new terms dictionary
Load Shifting — A load management objective that moves loads from on peak periods to off peak periods. A load shape objective that involves moving loads from peak periods to off peak periods. If a utility does not expect to meet its demand during peak… … Energy terms