evaporation basin

evaporation basin
испарительный бассейн

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "evaporation basin" в других словарях:

  • Great Artesian Basin — ▪ basin, Australia also called  Great Australian Basin,         one of the largest areas of artesian water in the world, underlying about one fifth of Australia. It includes most of the Darling and Lake Eyre catchments and extends northward to… …   Universalium

  • Endorheic basin — NASA photo of the endorheic Tarim Basin Endorheic basin showing waterflo …   Wikipedia

  • Lake Eyre Basin — The Lake Eyre Basin is a drainage basin that covers one sixth of all Australia. It is one of the largest internal drainage systems on Earth, and covers 1,140,000 square kilometres, including much of inland Queensland, large portions of South… …   Wikipedia

  • Hydropolitics in the Nile Basin — Essay like|article|date=December 2007The Nile River is subject to political interactions. It is the world s longest river flowing 6,700 kilometers through ten countries in northeastern Africa – Rwanda, Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo… …   Wikipedia

  • Chad Basin — The Chad Basin, also known as the Lake Chad Basin, is a large lowland area in north central Africa. In all directions from the center of this area the elevation changes are gentle. The Chad Basin is an endorheic (closed) basin its water does not… …   Wikipedia

  • Drainage basin — Example of a drainage basin. The dashed line is the main water divide of the hydrographic basin A drainage basin is an extent or an area of land where surface water from rain and melting snow or ice converges to a single point, usually the exit… …   Wikipedia

  • Great Basin Indian — ▪ people Introduction  member of any of the indigenous North American peoples inhabiting the traditional culture area comprising almost all of the present day states of Utah and Nevada as well as substantial portions of Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming,… …   Universalium

  • Great Divide Basin — The Great Divide Basin is a 3,860 square mile (10,000 km²) endorheic drainage basin in south central Wyoming, located between the Atlantic and Pacific drainage basins. North and south of it, the water divide is defined by the Continental Divide.… …   Wikipedia

  • Okanagan basin water board — Okanagan Basin Water BoardThe [http://www.obwb.ca/structure governance/ Okanagan Basin Water Board (OBWB)] is a unique form of inter regional government established in 1969 under the BC Municipalities Enabling and Validating Act through… …   Wikipedia

  • Okanagan Basin Water Board — The Okanagan Basin Water Board is a water governance body designated to identify and resolve critical water issues for the Okanagan watershed in British Colombia, Canada. It was set up to implement the recommendations of the Okanagan Basin… …   Wikipedia

  • Great Artesian Basin — noun a large artesian water bearing basin underlying one fifth of the area of Australia; including about two thirds of Qld, and parts (in decreasing order of magnitude) of SA, NSW and the NT; one of the world s largest. 1 735 300 km2. The vast… …  

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