- equilateral polygon
- правильный многоугольник
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Equilateral polygon — In geometry, an equilateral polygon is a polygon which has all sides of the same length. For instance, an equilateral triangle is a triangle of equal edge lengths. All equilateral triangles are similar to each other, and have 60 degree internal… … Wikipedia
Equilateral — E qui*lat er*al, a. [L. aequilateralis; aequus equal + latus, lateris, side: cf. F. [ e]quilat[ e]ral.] Having all the sides equal; as, an equilateral triangle; an equilateral polygon. [1913 Webster] {Equilateral hyperbola} (Geom.), one whose… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Equilateral hyperbola — Equilateral E qui*lat er*al, a. [L. aequilateralis; aequus equal + latus, lateris, side: cf. F. [ e]quilat[ e]ral.] Having all the sides equal; as, an equilateral triangle; an equilateral polygon. [1913 Webster] {Equilateral hyperbola} (Geom.),… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Equilateral shell — Equilateral E qui*lat er*al, a. [L. aequilateralis; aequus equal + latus, lateris, side: cf. F. [ e]quilat[ e]ral.] Having all the sides equal; as, an equilateral triangle; an equilateral polygon. [1913 Webster] {Equilateral hyperbola} (Geom.),… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
equilateral — adjective Etymology: Late Latin aequilateralis, from Latin aequi + later , latus side more at lateral Date: 1570 1. having all sides equal < an equilateral triangle > < an equilateral polygon > see triangle illustration 2. having all the faces… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Polygon — For other uses, see Polygon (disambiguation). Some polygons of different kinds In geometry a polygon ( … Wikipedia
polygon — polygonal /peuh lig euh nl/, adj. polygonally, adv. /pol ee gon /, n. a figure, esp. a closed plane figure, having three or more, usually straight, sides. See illus. under heptagon, hexagon, octagon, pentagon, quadrilateral, triangle … Universalium
Equilateral triangle — In geometry, an equilateral triangle is a triangle in which all three sides have equal lengths. In traditional or Euclidean geometry, equilateral triangles are also equiangular; that is, all three internal angles are also equal to each other and… … Wikipedia
Mutually equilateral — Equilateral E qui*lat er*al, a. [L. aequilateralis; aequus equal + latus, lateris, side: cf. F. [ e]quilat[ e]ral.] Having all the sides equal; as, an equilateral triangle; an equilateral polygon. [1913 Webster] {Equilateral hyperbola} (Geom.),… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
equilateral — 1. adjective Referring to a polygon all of whose sides are of equal length. Not necessarily a regular polygon since the angles can still differ (a regular polygon would also be equiangular). 2. noun An equilateral triangle … Wiktionary
equilateral — When every side of a polygon is of the same length. A square, for instance, must be equilateral in order to be a square. Also see mathematics, regular, and shape … Glossary of Art Terms