- airport
- аэропорт* * *аэропорт
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
airport — air‧port [ˈeəpɔːt ǁ ˈerpɔːrt] noun [countable] a place where planes fly to and from, that has buildings for passengers to wait in and for cargo: • The site for the new airport has yet to be decided. ˈhub ˌairport TRAVEL an airport with a lot of… … Financial and business terms
Airport \'07 — Эпизод Гриффинов «Airport 07» Промо картинка. Куагмир встречает Хью Хефнера № эпизода … Википедия
Airport '07 — Airport 2007 Episodio de Padre de familia Hugh Hefner, artista invitado Título Aeropuerto 07 (España) Aeropuerto 2007 (Latinoamérica) Episod … Wikipedia Español
Airport — (englisch für Flughafen) steht für einen Roman von Arthur Hailey eine Verfilmung des Romans von Arthur Hailey; siehe Airport (Film) eine Marke des Computerherstellers Apple für WLAN Produkte, siehe Apple AirPort eine Diskothek in Würzburg; siehe… … Deutsch Wikipedia
airport — airport, airdrome, airfield, airstrip, landing strip, flying field, landing field denote a place where airplanes may take off and land in safety. Airport implies a well marked and lighted nonmilitary place, either on land or water, that is used… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
AirPort — es el nombre dado por Apple Computer a sus productos de redes locales inalámbricas con tecnología WiFi. Los productos que implementan el protocolo IEEE 802.11b se denominan Airport, mientras que los que siguen la norma IEEE 802.11g se denominan… … Enciclopedia Universal
Airport 5 — was a musical collaboration project between Guided by Voices s Robert Pollard and one time fellow bandmate Tobin Sprout, released through the Fading Captain Series imprint by Luna Music in Indianapolis, Indiana. Collaborating chiefly by mail,… … Wikipedia
Airport — Airport,der:⇨Flughafen … Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme
airport — (n.) 1919, from AIR (Cf. air) (n.1) + PORT (Cf. port) (1). First reference is to Bader Field, outside Atlantic City, New Jersey, U.S., which opened in 1910 … Etymology dictionary
Airport — Film catastrophe de George Seaton, d après le roman d Arthur Hailey, avec Burt Lancaster, Dean Martin, Jean Seberg, Jacqueline Bisset. Pays: États Unis Date de sortie: 1970 Technique: couleurs Durée: 2 h 06 Résumé Il y a une… … Dictionnaire mondial des Films
airport — [n] center for transportation by air aerodome, airdrome, airfield, airstrip, hangar, helipad, heliport, home plate*, installation, landing strip, runway, strip; concepts 325,439 … New thesaurus