
1) оболочка; корпус; ограждение; ограда; загороженное место
2) вентиляционное укрытие полностью закрытого типа
3) герметизированное помещение
4) тепляк (при зимних работах)
5) приложение, вложение
- hermetic enclosure - live enclosure - manned work enclosure - protection enclosure - sheet-pile enclosure - shielded enclosure - stairway enclosure - walled enclosure
* * *
1.   ограждающие конструкции здания (система стен, перегородок и перекрытий)
2.   ограждение, ограда
3.   герметизированное помещение; замкнутое пространство; вентиляционное укрытие
4.   тепляк
- enclosure of wire mesh
- acoustical enclosure
- complete enclosure
- dustproof enclosure
- exhausted enclosure
- flameproof enclosure
- full enclosure
- heated enclosure
- heat-insulating enclosure
- hoistway enclosure
- partial exhaust enclosure
- partial enclosure
- pre-engineered enclosure
- soundproofing enclosure
- space enclosure
- stair enclosure
- subsea working enclosure
- total enclosure

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "enclosure" в других словарях:

  • Enclosure — ou inclosure est un terme anglais qui désigne l action d enclore un champ. Restes d une enclosure ancienne, dans une forêt de résineux plantés (Royaume Uni) Cet anglicisme est passé en français où il désigne la parcelle de terrain enclose de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • enclosure — ● enclosure nom féminin (anglais enclosure) En Angleterre, clôture des champs, qui s est accompagnée du passage d une forme communautaire à une forme individualiste d économie agraire. ⇒ENCLOSURE, subst. fém. GÉOGR. [En Angleterre] Parcelle de… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Enclosure — En*clo sure (?; 135), n. Inclosure. See {Inclosure}. [1913 Webster] Note: The words enclose and enclosure are written indiscriminately enclose or inclose and enclosure or inclosure. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • enclosure — I noun arena, barrier, blockade, border, boundary, bracket, cincture, circle, circumjacence, circumscription, circumvallation, confine, confinement, container, containment, custody, edge, embrace, encasement, encirclement, enclosed space,… …   Law dictionary

  • enclosure — en‧clo‧sure [ɪnˈkləʊʒə ǁ ˈkloʊʒər] noun [countable] written abbreviation enc, encl something, for example an information pack or a contract, put inside an envelope with a letter: • I refer to your letter and enclosure of 26 January 1999. * * *… …   Financial and business terms

  • Enclosure —   [ɪn kləʊʒə; englisch »Einzäunung«, »Gehege«], der Prozess, durch den v. a. in England seit dem ausgehenden Mittelalter das der dörflichen Gemeinschaft zur allgemeinen Nutzung offen stehende Land (Allmende) teilweise in Privatbesitz umgewandelt… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • enclosure — [n1] area bounded by something asylum, aviary, bowl, building, cage, camp, cell, close, coliseum, coop, corral, court, courtyard, den, dungeon, garden, ghetto, hutch, jail, pale, park, patch, pen, place, plot, pound, precinct, prison, quad,… …   New thesaurus

  • enclosure — mid 15c., action of enclosing, from ENCLOSE (Cf. enclose) + URE (Cf. ure). Meaning that which is enclosed is from 1550s …   Etymology dictionary

  • enclosure — (also inclosure) ► NOUN 1) an area that is enclosed by a fence, wall, or other barrier. 2) a document or object placed in an envelope together with a letter …   English terms dictionary

  • enclosure — [en klō′zhər, inklō′zhər] n. [ME & OE: see ENCLOSE & URE] 1. an enclosing or being enclosed 2. something that encloses, as a fence, wall, etc. 3. something enclosed; specif., a) an enclosed place or area b) a docum …   English World dictionary

  • Enclosure — For other uses, see Enclosure (disambiguation). Enclosure or inclosure is the process which ends traditional rights such as mowing meadows for hay, or grazing livestock on common land. Once enclosed, these uses of the land become restricted to… …   Wikipedia

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