emission inventory

emission inventory
кадастр вредных выбросов

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "emission inventory" в других словарях:

  • Emission inventory — An emission inventory is an accounting of the amount of pollutants discharged into the atmosphere. An emission inventory usually contains the total emissions for one or more specirfic greenhouse gases or air pollutants, originating from all… …   Wikipedia

  • Emission factor — An emission factor can be defined as the average emission rate of a given pollutant for a given source, relative to the intensity of a specific activity. Emission factors are used to derive estimates of air pollutant or greenhouse gas emissions… …   Wikipedia

  • Greenhouse gas inventory — Greenhouse gas inventories are a type of emission inventory that are developed for a variety of reasons. Scientists use inventories of natural and anthropogenic (human caused) emissions as tools when developing atmospheric models. Policy makers… …   Wikipedia

  • AP 42 Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors — The AP 42 Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, was first published by the U.S. Public Health Service in 1968. In 1972, it was revised and issued as the second edition by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In 1985, the… …   Wikipedia

  • European Union Emission Trading Scheme — The European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) also known as the European Union Emissions Trading System, was the first large emissions trading scheme in the world.[1] It was launched in 2005 to combat climate change and is a major pillar… …   Wikipedia

  • National Inventory Report — Der Nationale Inventarbericht, engl. National Inventory Report (NIR), ist die von den Vertragsstaaten der Klimarahmenkonvention der Vereinten Nationen jährlich erstellte Bilanzierung der Treibhausgas Emissionen. Entscheidend ist diese… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • National pollutant inventory — or NPI is an Australian pollution database of emissions managed by the Australian Government on behalf of the Australian States and Territories. The NPI was created based on the UK model and was agreed to by the Keating labor government in order… …   Wikipedia

  • National Pollutant Inventory — or NPI is an Australian pollution database of emissions managed by the Australian Government on behalf of the Australian States and Territories. The NPI was created based on the UK model and was agreed to by the Keating labor government in order… …   Wikipedia

  • Mercury regulation in the United States — is a set of laws and regulations limiting the maximum concentrations of mercury (Hg) that is permitted in air, water, soil, food and drugs. These laws and regulations are promulgated by U.S. Federal Agencies such as the Environmental Protection… …   Wikipedia

  • E-PRTR — Ein Schadstoffemissionsregister ist eine nationale oder internationale Datenbank, die Freisetzungen (Emissionen) von (Schad)stoffen enthält. In der Regel werden die im Schadstoffemissionsregister erfassten Stoffe von industriellen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • EPER — Ein Schadstoffemissionsregister ist eine nationale oder internationale Datenbank, die Freisetzungen (Emissionen) von (Schad)stoffen enthält. In der Regel werden die im Schadstoffemissionsregister erfassten Stoffe von industriellen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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