electrostatic air filter

electrostatic air filter
электростатический воздушный фильтр

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "electrostatic air filter" в других словарях:

  • Air pollution — from World War II production Smog over …   Wikipedia

  • Air purifier — An air purifier is a device which removes contaminants from air. Air purifiers are commonly marketed as being particularly beneficial to allergy sufferers and asthmatics, and at reducing second hand tobacco smoke. Use of purifiers Dust, pollen,… …   Wikipedia

  • Electrostatic precipitator — An electrostatic precipitator (ESP), or electrostatic air cleaner is a particulate collection device that removes particles from a flowing gas (such as air) using the force of an induced electrostatic charge. Electrostatic precipitators are… …   Wikipedia

  • Air handler — An air handling unit; air flow is from the right to left in this case. Some AHU components shown are: 1 Supply duct 2 Fan compartment 3 Vibration isolator ( flex joint ) 4 Heating and/or cooling coil 5 Filter compartment 6 Mixed (recirculated +… …   Wikipedia

  • electrostatic filter — For cleaning air, a type of filter which gives dust particles an electric charge. This causes particles to be attracted to a plate so they can be removed from air …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Dissolved air flotation — (DAF) is a water treatment process that clarifies wastewaters (or other waters) by the removal of suspended matter such as oil or solids. The removal is achieved by dissolving air in the water or wastewater under pressure and then releasing the… …   Wikipedia

  • Depth filter — Depth filters are the variety of filters that use a porous filtration medium to retain particles throughout the medium, rather that just on the surface of the medium. These filters are commonly used when the fluid to be filtered contains a high… …   Wikipedia

  • Respirator — A respirator is a device designed to protect the wearer from inhaling harmful dusts, fumes, vapors, and/or gases. Respirators come in a wide range of types and sizes used by the military, private industry, and the public. Respirators range from… …   Wikipedia

  • Static electricity — For the science of static charges see Electrostatics Static electricity refers to the accumulation of excess electric charge in a region with poor electrical conductivity (an insulator), such that the charge accumulation persists. The effects of… …   Wikipedia

  • Electret — (formed of elektr from electricity and et from magnet ) is a dielectric material that has a quasi permanent electric charge or dipole polarisation. An electret generates internal and external electric fields, and is the electrostatic equivalent… …   Wikipedia

  • Hard disk failure — In computing, a hard disk failure occurs when a hard disk drive malfunctions and the stored information cannot be accessed with a properly configured computer. A disk failure may occur in the course of normal operation, or due to an external… …   Wikipedia

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