
электроосмос, электроосмотический способ водопонижения

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "electro-osmosis" в других словарях:

  • Electro-osmosis — In electrochemistry, physics and vascular plant biology, electro osmosis, also called electroendosmosis, is the motion of polar liquid through a membrane or other porous structure (generally, along charged surfaces of any shape and also through… …   Wikipedia

  • electro-osmosis — electro osmotic /i lek troh oz mot ik, os /, adj. electro osmotically, adv. /i lek troh oz moh sis, os /, n. Physical Chem. the motion of a liquid through a membrane under the influence of an applied electric field. Also, electroosmosis,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • electro-osmosis — electro osmotic /i lek troh oz mot ik, os /, adj. electro osmotically, adv. /i lek troh oz moh sis, os /, n. Physical Chem. the motion of a liquid through a membrane under the influence of an applied electric field. Also, electroosmosis,… …   Universalium

  • electro-osmosis — noun electroosmosis …   Wiktionary

  • electro-osmosis — The diffusion of a substance through a membrane in an electric field. Cf.:electrodialysis. * * * elec·tro os·mo·sis (e lek″tro os moґsis) the movement through a membrane of the solvent phase of a colloidal solution when an electric… …   Medical dictionary

  • electro-osmosis —   n. movement of a conducting liquid through a porous membrane due to a difference of potential between electrodes on opposite sides …   Dictionary of difficult words

  • électro-endosmose — elektroosmosas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. electric osmosis; electroendosmosis; electroosmosis vok. Elektroendosmose, f; Elektroosmose, f rus. электроосмос, m; электроэндосмос, m pranc. électro endosmose, f; électroosmose, f;… …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • electric osmosis — elektroosmosas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. electric osmosis; electroendosmosis; electroosmosis vok. Elektroendosmose, f; Elektroosmose, f rus. электроосмос, m; электроэндосмос, m pranc. électro endosmose, f; électroosmose, f;… …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Microelectrophoresis — is a method of studying electrophoresis of various dispersed particles using optical microscopy. This method provides image of moving particles, which is its unique advantage. Complexity of this method is associated with electro osmosis generated …   Wikipedia

  • Electrorheological fluid — Electrorheological (ER) fluids are suspensions of extremely fine non conducting particles (up to 50 micrometres diameter) in an electrically insulating fluid. The apparent viscosity of these fluids changes reversibly by an order of up to 100,000… …   Wikipedia

  • Microfluidics — deals with the behavior, precise control and manipulation of fluids that are geometrically constrained to a small, typically sub millimeter, scale. Typically, micro means one of the following features: small volumes (nl, pl, fl) small size low… …   Wikipedia

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