effective length

effective length
приведённая длина (сжатого элемента)
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приведённая длина (сжатого элемента)

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "effective length" в других словарях:

  • effective length of a pickup — efektyvusis garso ėmiklio ilgis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. effective length of a pickup vok. effektive Länge des Abstasters, f rus. эффективная длина звукоснимателя, f pranc. longueur effective d un pick up, f …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • Effective field theory — In physics, an effective field theory is an approximate theory (usually a quantum field theory) that includes appropriate degrees of freedom to describe physical phenomena occurring at a chosen length scale, while ignoring substructure and… …   Wikipedia

  • Length scale — In physics, length scale is a particular length or distance determined with the precision of one order (or a few orders) of magnitude. The concept of length scale is particularly important because physical phenomena of different length scales… …   Wikipedia

  • effective wave length — efektyvusis bangos ilgis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. effective wave length vok. effektive Wellenlänge, f rus. эффективная длина волны, f pranc. longueur d’onde efficace, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Effective radius — The effective radius (R e) of a galaxy is the radius at which one half of the total light of the system is emitted interior to this radius. This assumes the galaxy is circularly symmetric. This is an important length scale in de Vaucouleurs sqrt… …   Wikipedia

  • effective plug diameter —   n.    the dimension obtained by adding the root depth of a key cut to the length of its corresponding bottom pin which establishes a perfect shear line. This will not necessarily be the same as the actual plug diameter …   Locksmith dictionary

  • effective current — noun : the value of an alternating or otherwise variable current that would result in the same heat production in a circuit as that of a direct current in the same length of time : the square root of the means of the squares of the instantaneous… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Electrical length — In telecommunications, the electrical length is any of: #A transmission medium, its length expressed as a multiple or submultiple of the wavelength of a periodic electromagnetic or electrical signal propagating within the medium. The wavelength… …   Wikipedia

  • longueur effective d'un pick-up — efektyvusis garso ėmiklio ilgis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. effective length of a pickup vok. effektive Länge des Abstasters, f rus. эффективная длина звукоснимателя, f pranc. longueur effective d un pick up, f …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • effective runway length — i. It is the distance from the end of the runway where takeoffs begin to the point where the obstruction clearance plane associated with the other end of the runway intersects the runway centerline. ii. The distance from the point at which the… …   Aviation dictionary

  • Orders of magnitude (length) — Contents 1 Detailed list 1.1 Subatomic 1.2 Atomic to cellular 1.3 Human scale 1.4 …   Wikipedia

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