Dutch tile

Dutch tile
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Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "Dutch tile" в других словарях:

  • Dutch tile — Dutch Dutch, a. [D. duitsch German; or G. deutsch, orig., popular, national, OD. dietsc, MHG. diutsch, tiutsch, OHG. diutisk, fr. diot, diota, a people, a nation; akin to AS. pe[ o]d, OS. thiod, thioda, Goth. piuda; cf. Lith. tauta land, OIr.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Dutch tile — 1. n. a kind of glazed white tile painted with traditional Dutch motifs in blue or brown 2. v. [trans.] [usu. as adj.] Dutch tiled decorate with such tiles Dutch tiled fireplaces …   Useful english dictionary

  • Dutch — Dutch, a. [D. duitsch German; or G. deutsch, orig., popular, national, OD. dietsc, MHG. diutsch, tiutsch, OHG. diutisk, fr. diot, diota, a people, a nation; akin to AS. pe[ o]d, OS. thiod, thioda, Goth. piuda; cf. Lith. tauta land, OIr. tuath… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Dutch auction — Dutch Dutch, a. [D. duitsch German; or G. deutsch, orig., popular, national, OD. dietsc, MHG. diutsch, tiutsch, OHG. diutisk, fr. diot, diota, a people, a nation; akin to AS. pe[ o]d, OS. thiod, thioda, Goth. piuda; cf. Lith. tauta land, OIr.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Dutch cheese — Dutch Dutch, a. [D. duitsch German; or G. deutsch, orig., popular, national, OD. dietsc, MHG. diutsch, tiutsch, OHG. diutisk, fr. diot, diota, a people, a nation; akin to AS. pe[ o]d, OS. thiod, thioda, Goth. piuda; cf. Lith. tauta land, OIr.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Dutch clinker — Dutch Dutch, a. [D. duitsch German; or G. deutsch, orig., popular, national, OD. dietsc, MHG. diutsch, tiutsch, OHG. diutisk, fr. diot, diota, a people, a nation; akin to AS. pe[ o]d, OS. thiod, thioda, Goth. piuda; cf. Lith. tauta land, OIr.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Dutch clover — Dutch Dutch, a. [D. duitsch German; or G. deutsch, orig., popular, national, OD. dietsc, MHG. diutsch, tiutsch, OHG. diutisk, fr. diot, diota, a people, a nation; akin to AS. pe[ o]d, OS. thiod, thioda, Goth. piuda; cf. Lith. tauta land, OIr.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Dutch concert — Dutch Dutch, a. [D. duitsch German; or G. deutsch, orig., popular, national, OD. dietsc, MHG. diutsch, tiutsch, OHG. diutisk, fr. diot, diota, a people, a nation; akin to AS. pe[ o]d, OS. thiod, thioda, Goth. piuda; cf. Lith. tauta land, OIr.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Dutch courage — Dutch Dutch, a. [D. duitsch German; or G. deutsch, orig., popular, national, OD. dietsc, MHG. diutsch, tiutsch, OHG. diutisk, fr. diot, diota, a people, a nation; akin to AS. pe[ o]d, OS. thiod, thioda, Goth. piuda; cf. Lith. tauta land, OIr.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Dutch door — Dutch Dutch, a. [D. duitsch German; or G. deutsch, orig., popular, national, OD. dietsc, MHG. diutsch, tiutsch, OHG. diutisk, fr. diot, diota, a people, a nation; akin to AS. pe[ o]d, OS. thiod, thioda, Goth. piuda; cf. Lith. tauta land, OIr.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Dutch foil — Dutch Dutch, a. [D. duitsch German; or G. deutsch, orig., popular, national, OD. dietsc, MHG. diutsch, tiutsch, OHG. diutisk, fr. diot, diota, a people, a nation; akin to AS. pe[ o]d, OS. thiod, thioda, Goth. piuda; cf. Lith. tauta land, OIr.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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