drop caisson

drop caisson
опускной колодец

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "drop caisson" в других словарях:

  • Decompression sickness — Caisson disease [decompression sickness] Classification and external resources Two United States Navy sailors prepare for training inside a decompression chamber …   Wikipedia

  • Lock (water transport) — Canal lock and lock keeper s cottage on the Aylesbury Arm of the Grand Union Canal at Marsworth in Hertfordshire, England …   Wikipedia

  • harbours and sea works — Introduction harbour also spelled  harbor        any part of a body of water and the manmade structures surrounding it that sufficiently shelters a vessel from wind, waves, and currents, enabling safe anchorage or the discharge and loading of… …   Universalium

  • Compressed-air energy storage — (CAES) refers to the compression of airto be used later as energy source. At utility scale, it can be stored during periods of low energy demand (off peak), for use in meeting periods of higher demand (peak load). Alternatively it can be used to… …   Wikipedia

  • Karl Johanslussen — ( Lock of Charles John ) is a lock and a sluice, connecting and controlling the flood discharge between Riddarfjärden, the easternmost part of Lake Mälaren, and Saltsjön, the section of the Baltic Sea reaching into central Stockholm, Sweden. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Falkirk Wheel — The Falkirk Wheel is a rotating boat lift connecting the Forth and Clyde Canal with the Union Canal. It is named after the nearby town of Falkirk in central Scotland. The difference in the levels of the two canals at the wheel is convert|24|m,… …   Wikipedia

  • Dysbarism — DiseaseDisorder infobox Name = Effects of air pressure and water pressure ICD9 = ICD9|993 | ICD10 = ICD10|T|70| |t|66 Caption = DiseasesDB = 3491 ICDO = OMIM = MedlinePlus = eMedicineSubj = emerg eMedicineTopic = 154 MeshID = Dysbarism refers to… …   Wikipedia

  • dam — dam1 /dam/, n., v., dammed, damming. n. 1. a barrier to obstruct the flow of water, esp. one of earth, masonry, etc., built across a stream or river. 2. a body of water confined by a dam. 3. any barrier resembling a dam. v.t. 4. to furnish with a …   Universalium

  • Dam — /dam, dahm/, n. (Carl Peter) Henrik /kahrl pee ter hen rik/; Dan. /kahrddl pay teuhrdd hen rddik/, 1895 1976, Danish biochemist: Nobel prize for medicine 1943. * * * I Barrier built across a stream, river, or estuary to conserve water for such… …   Universalium

  • Rock 'n' Roller Coaster — Le logo de l attraction. Rock n Roller Coaster starring Aerosmith (ou plus communément « Rock n Roller Coaster ») est une attraction de type montagnes russes en intérieur des parcs Disney. Cette attraction porte le nom du groupe de rock …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Decompression (diving) — Divers decompressing in the water at the end of a dive Decompression in the context of diving derives from the reduction in ambient pressure experienced by the diver during the ascent at the end of a dive or hyperbaric exposure and refers to both …   Wikipedia

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