driven nail

driven nail
забитый гвоздь

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "driven nail" в других словарях:

  • Nail — (n[=a]l), n. [AS. n[ae]gel, akin to D. nagel, OS. & OHG. nagal, G. nagel, Icel. nagl, nail (in sense 1), nagli nail (in sense 3), Sw. nagel nail (in senses 1 and 3), Dan. nagle, Goth. ganagljan to nail, Lith. nagas nail (in sense 1), Russ. nogote …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Nail ball — Nail Nail (n[=a]l), n. [AS. n[ae]gel, akin to D. nagel, OS. & OHG. nagal, G. nagel, Icel. nagl, nail (in sense 1), nagli nail (in sense 3), Sw. nagel nail (in senses 1 and 3), Dan. nagle, Goth. ganagljan to nail, Lith. nagas nail (in sense 1),… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Nail plate — Nail Nail (n[=a]l), n. [AS. n[ae]gel, akin to D. nagel, OS. & OHG. nagal, G. nagel, Icel. nagl, nail (in sense 1), nagli nail (in sense 3), Sw. nagel nail (in senses 1 and 3), Dan. nagle, Goth. ganagljan to nail, Lith. nagas nail (in sense 1),… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Nail Polish (TV serial) — Nail Polish Genre Family Created by Kaleem Rajput Starring Rahma Ali Humaira Ali Usman Peerzada Abdullah Ijaz Tehseen Chishti Opening theme Nail Polish by Tehseen Wajahat Chishti and Sam …   Wikipedia

  • nail — [nāl] n. [ME naile < OE nægl, akin to Ger nagel < IE base * onogh, nail > Sans áṅghri , foot, Gr onyx, nail, L unguis, fingernail] 1. a) a thin, horny covering that grows out over the upper tip of a finger or toe b) a similar growth on a …   English World dictionary

  • nail|head — «NAYL HEHD», noun. 1. the head or enlarged end of a nail. 2. an ornament (usually one of a number) resembling the head of a nail driven in …   Useful english dictionary

  • nail — nailless, adj. naillike, adj. /nayl/, n. 1. a slender, typically rod shaped rigid piece of metal, usually in any of numerous standard lengths from a fraction of an inch to several inches and having one end pointed and the other enlarged and… …   Universalium

  • Nail Men — Statue of Hindenburg in front of the Victory Column in Berlin, 1919 …   Wikipedia

  • Nail (fastener) — A pile of nails. In woodworking and construction, a nail is a pin shaped, sharp object of hard metal or alloy used as a fastener. Formerly wrought iron, today s nails are typically made of steel, often dipped or coated to prevent corrosion in… …   Wikipedia

  • Nail gun — Pneumatic nail gun in use A nail gun, nailgun or nailer is a type of tool used to drive nails into wood or some other kind of material. It is usually driven by electromagnetism, compressed air (pneumatic), highly flammable gases such as butane or …   Wikipedia

  • nail — n. & v. n. 1 a small usu. sharpened metal spike with a broadened flat head, driven in with a hammer to join things together or to serve as a peg, protection (cf. HOBNAIL), or decoration. 2 a a horny covering on the upper surface of the tip of the …   Useful english dictionary

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