drainage area

drainage area
водосборная площадь; площадь стока; дренажная площадь
* * *
1. бассейн канализации
2. осушаемая территория, дренированная площадь
3. площадь водосбора

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "drainage area" в других словарях:

  • drainage area — vandens baseinas statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Sausumos teritorijos dalis, iš kurios vanduo paviršiniu arba požeminiu srautu suteka į vandens objektą (upę, ežerą, jūrą ar kt.). atitikmenys: angl. catchment; catchment area; …   Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • drainage area — noun the entire geographical area drained by a river and its tributaries; an area characterized by all runoff being conveyed to the same outlet flood control in the Missouri basin • Syn: ↑river basin, ↑basin, ↑watershed, ↑drainage basin,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • drainage area —    A horizontal projection of an area drained by a particular river system [16] …   Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology

  • World's Principal Rivers, Ranked According to Drainage Area, Table — ▪ Table river drainage area length (km)* mean discharge extent(000 sq km) percent (000 cu rank percent cu m/ of m/sec) order of sec/sq world s world km land total area Amazon 7,050 4.8 6,400 180 1 19.2 0.0255 …   Universalium

  • Drainage basin — Example of a drainage basin. The dashed line is the main water divide of the hydrographic basin A drainage basin is an extent or an area of land where surface water from rain and melting snow or ice converges to a single point, usually the exit… …   Wikipedia

  • Drainage basins of South Africa — A drainage basin is an extent of land where water from rain and melting snow or ice drains downhill into a body of water, such as a river, lake, reservoir, estuary, wetland, sea or ocean. The drainage basin includes both the streams and rivers… …   Wikipedia

  • drainage basin — the area drained by a river and all its tributaries. Also called catchment area, drainage area. Cf. watershed (def. 2). [1880 85, Amer.] * * * ▪ geology also called  Catchment Area,  or (in North America)  Watershed,      …   Universalium

  • drainage basin — noun the entire geographical area drained by a river and its tributaries; an area characterized by all runoff being conveyed to the same outlet flood control in the Missouri basin • Syn: ↑river basin, ↑basin, ↑watershed, ↑catchment area,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • drainage basin — vandens baseinas statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Sausumos teritorijos dalis, iš kurios vanduo paviršiniu arba požeminiu srautu suteka į vandens objektą (upę, ežerą, jūrą ar kt.). atitikmenys: angl. catchment; catchment area; …   Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • drainage basin — /ˈdreɪnɪdʒ beɪsən/ (say draynij baysuhn) noun the entire area drained by a river and all its tributaries. Also, drainage area …  

  • Drainage district — Drainage districts occur in England and Wales, varying in size from a few hundred acres to over 100,000 acres (400 km2), all in low lying areas of the country where flood risk management and land drainage are sensitive issues. Most drainage… …   Wikipedia

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