down stairs

down stairs
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Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "down stairs" в других словарях:

  • down|stairs — «DOWN STAIRZ», adverb, adjective, noun. –adv. 1. down the stairs: »He slipped and fell downstairs. 2. on or to a lower floor: »Look downstairs for my glasses. –adj. on a lower floor: »The downstairs rooms are dark. –n. the lower floor or floors:… …   Useful english dictionary

  • stairs —    There are four basic beliefs about stairs crossing on, stumbling up, stumbling down, and turning round on. The idea that it is unlucky to pass someone on the stairs is still current, being the ninth most often reported belief in our… …   A Dictionary of English folklore

  • Down to the Waterline — Исполнитель Dire Straits Альбом Dire Straits Дата выпуска 7 октября 1978 Дата записи …   Википедия

  • down — down1 [doun] adv. [ME doun < adune, adown < OE adune, ofdune, from the hill < a , of , off, from + dune, dat. of dun, hill: see DOWN3] 1. from a higher to a lower place; toward the ground 2. in, on, or to a lower position or level;… …   English World dictionary

  • Stairs Expedition to Katanga — The Stairs Expedition to Katanga of 1891−1892 led by Captain William Stairs was the winner in a race between two imperial powers to seize Katanga, a vast mineral rich territory in Central Africa, which it achieved through the killing of an… …   Wikipedia

  • down — 1 /daUn/ adverb 1 from above towards a lower place or position: David bent down to tie his shoelace. | The sun beat down on their heads all day long. 2 at a lower place or position than usual: You can t cross here, the bridge is down. 3 at or… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • down — down1 W1S1 [daun] adv, prep, adj ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(to a lower position)¦ 2¦(in a lower place)¦ 3¦(to lie/sit)¦ 4¦(along)¦ 5¦(south)¦ 6¦(somewhere local)¦ 7¦(river)¦ 8¦(fastened to a surface)¦ 9¦(less)¦ 10¦(losing)¦ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • down — down1 W1S1 [daun] adv, prep, adj ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(to a lower position)¦ 2¦(in a lower place)¦ 3¦(to lie/sit)¦ 4¦(along)¦ 5¦(south)¦ 6¦(somewhere local)¦ 7¦(river)¦ 8¦(fastened to a surface)¦ 9¦(less)¦ 10¦(losing)¦ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • stairs — n. 1) to climb, go up the stairs 2) to come down; go down the stairs 3) moving stairs …   Combinatory dictionary

  • stairs — noun a flight of stairs or a flight of steps (Freq. 15) • Syn: ↑steps • Usage Domain: ↑plural, ↑plural form • Hypernyms: ↑stairway, ↑staircase …   Useful english dictionary

  • down — down1 [ daun ] function word *** Down can be used in the following ways: as a preposition (followed by a noun): She was walking down the street. as an adverb (without a following noun): She lay down and fell asleep. after the verb to be : Oil… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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