Straits settlements

Straits settlements
(Поселения Пролива) — англ. колония около Малаккского пролива: Сингапур (см.), Пинанг (см.) и Малакка (см.). 3998 кв. км; 572249 жит., из которых ок. 5000 европейцев (1901); брит. колонии с 1867 г.; колониям подчинены о-ва Cocos и Christmas в Индийском ок., южнее Малайского архипелага.

Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона. — С.-Пб.: Брокгауз-Ефрон. 1890—1907.

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Смотреть что такое "Straits settlements" в других словарях:

  • Straits Settlements — (spr. ßtrēts, »Niederlassungen an den [Meeres ]Straßen«), engl. Kronkolonie auf der hinterindischen Halbinsel Malakka (s. d.), 3998 qkm mit (1901) 572,249 Einw., aus drei Teilen: Singapur, Malakka und Pinang (Pulo Pinang, Provinz Wellesley und… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Straits Settlements — (spr. strehts séttlments, d.i. Ansiedlungen an der Meeresstraße [von Malaka]), brit. Kronkolonie auf der Halbinsel Malaka und Nebeninseln, 4122 qkm, (1901/3) 573.800 E., umfaßt Singapur, Malaka und Pulo Pinang und als Dependenzen Weihnachtsinsel… …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Straits Settlements —   [ streɪts setlmənts], die ehemaligen, 1826 zu einer administrativen Einheit zusammengefassten britischen Besitzungen an der Malakkastraße (Malakka, Penang, Singapur); zunächst Britisch Indien unterstellt, 1867 1946 Kronkolonie. (Malaiische… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Straits Settlements — former British crown colony in SE Asia, comprising Singapore, Malacca, Penang, Labuan, Christmas Island, & the Cocos Islands …   English World dictionary

  • Straits Settlements — Infobox Former Country native name = Negeri Negeri Selat conventional long name = The Straits Settlements common name = Straits Settlement continent=moved from Category:Asia to Southeast Asia region=Southeast Asia empire=United Kingdom… …   Wikipedia

  • Straits Settlements — Flagge der Straits Settlements …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Straits Settlements — Établissements des détroits Negeri Negeri Selat The Straits Settlements (Établissements des détroits) 1826   1946 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Straits Settlements — Straits′ Set′tlements n. pl. geg a former British crown colony in SE Asia: included the settlements of Singapore, Penang, and Malacca …   From formal English to slang

  • Straits Settlements cricket team — The Straits Settlements cricket team was the team that represented the Straits Settlements in international cricket matches between 1890 and 1940.HistoryBetween 1890 and 1909, the Straits Settlements played regular matches against Hong Kong,… …   Wikipedia

  • Straits Settlements Volunteer Force — The Straits Settlements Volunteer Force (SSVF) was a military reserve force in the Straits Settlements, while they were under British rule. While the majority of the personnel were from Singapore, some lived in other parts of the Settelments,… …   Wikipedia

  • Straits Settlements — a former British crown colony in SE Asia: included the settlements of Singapore, Penang, Malacca, and Labuan. * * * Former British crown colony, on the Strait of Malacca in Southeast Asia. It comprised three trade centres, Penang, Singapore, and… …   Universalium

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