- Brio
музыкальный термин, означает силу, живость, одушевление. Allegro con brio исполняется решительнее и несколько живее, чем простое allegro.
Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона. — С.-Пб.: Брокгауз-Ефрон. 1890—1907.
Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона. — С.-Пб.: Брокгауз-Ефрон. 1890—1907.
brio — brio … Dictionnaire des rimes
brio — [ brijo ] n. m. • 1824; it. brio « vivacité », d un rad. gaul. ♦ Mus. Technique aisée et brillante. ⇒ maestria. Une petite étude « qu il mena d un train d enfer et avec un étourdissant brio » (A. Gide). Cour. Talent brillant, virtuosité. Parler… … Encyclopédie Universelle
brio — BRÍO s.n. (În loc. adv.) Cu brio = a) cu multă însufleţire, vioi; b) în mod remarcabil, strălucit, excepţional. – Din it., fr. brio. Trimis de valeriu, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 CON BRÍO loc. adv. (mu … Dicționar Român
BRIO — is a wooden toy company founded in Sweden. Founder Ivar Bengtsson was a basket maker [ [http://brio.knex.com/AboutBrio/ About Brio] ] who started to make toys in Osby, Scania, in southern Sweden. In 1908 Ivar s three sons took over and founded… … Wikipedia
Brio — or BRIO can refer to several things: * brio is a noun: quality of being active or spirited or alive and vigorous; in music, see List of musical terminology *Brio Technology (also known as Brio Software ) was a software company that was taken over … Wikipedia
brio — [italienisch], con brio, brioso, musikalische Vortragsbezeichnung: sprühend, feurig; ergänzend bei Tempo und Satzangaben, z. B. allegro con brio. * * * Brio, das; s [ital. brio < provenz. briu, aus dem Kelt.] (bes. Musik): Feuer,… … Universal-Lexikon
brío — sustantivo masculino 1. (no contable) Energía y decisión con que se hace algo: Trabaja siempre con mucho brío. 2. (no contable) Fuerza o empuje de una cosa o persona: Este niño tiene mucho brío, yo ya no puedo con él. El motor tiene mucho brío.… … Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española
brio — brȉo [b] (II)[/b] m <G brȉja> DEFINICIJA 1. živahnost, snaga općenito [vozačev brio dok je vozio ulicama Pariza] 2. pren. osobito živo, udarno mjesto (u izlaganju kakve zamisli i sl.), najvažnija tvrdnja, glavni argument [to je brio njegova … Hrvatski jezični portal
brio — liveliness, vivacity, 1734, from It. brio, lit. mettle, fire, life, perhaps an aphetic derivative of L. ebrius drunk. Or via Prov. briu vigor, from Celtic *brig o strength. Probably entered English via musical instruction con brio … Etymology dictionary
brio — s.m. [dallo sp. brío, celt. brīgo forza ]. [l essere allegro e vivace: un ragazzo pieno di b. ; parlare, suonare con b. ] ▶◀ allegria, briosità, effervescenza, estro, esuberanza, gaiezza, smalto, spigliatezza, spirito, sprint, verve, vivacità,… … Enciclopedia Italiana
Brio — das; s <aus gleichbed. it. brio, dies aus dem Kelt.> Feuer, Lebhaftigkeit, Schwung; Ekstatik, Leidenschaft (Mus.); vgl. ↑brioso … Das große Fremdwörterbuch