- Genetrix
(родительница) — эпитет Венеры, как матери Энея, родоначальника римского народа; в 46 г. до Р. Х. ей посвящен был на форуме Цезарем храм.
Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона. — С.-Пб.: Брокгауз-Ефрон. 1890—1907.
Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона. — С.-Пб.: Брокгауз-Ефрон. 1890—1907.
Genĕtrix — (lat.), 1) Erzeugerin; 2) Schutzgöttin der ehelichen Geburt, daher mit Gewand bekleidet dargestellt; 3) Beiname der Venus als Stammmutter des Römischen Volkes durch Äneas; als solcher weihte ihr Julius Cäsar auf dem Forum einen Tempel … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Genetrix — (Genitrix, lat., »Erzeugerin«), Beiname der Venus, unter dem ihr Cäsar 46 v. Chr. in Rom einen Tempel weihte als Stammutter seines Hauses wie des römischen Volkes überhaupt … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
genetrix — gen·e·trix … English syllables
genetrix — n. (pl. rices mother … Dictionary of difficult words
genetrix — … Useful english dictionary
Venus Genetrix (sculpture) — The sculptural type of Venus Genetrix shows Venus and is named after Venus s epithet Genetrix (mother). Through historical chance, a Roman designation is applied to a Greek iconological type of Aphrodite. OriginalIn 420 410 BC the Athenian… … Wikipedia
Project Genetrix — was a United States Air Force program which, beginning in January 1956, sent hundreds of surveillance balloons over the Soviet Union in order to take photographs and collect intelligence. Authorized by President Dwight D. Eisenhower on December… … Wikipedia
Templo de Venus Genetrix — El Templo de Venus Genetrix es un templo situado en el Foro de César, en Roma. Dicho templo está dedicado a la diosa romana Venus Genetrix, la diosa de la maternidad y del hogar. Fue dedicado a la diosa en el siglo 46 a.C., cerca del Templo de… … Wikipedia Español
Temple of Venus Genetrix — The Temple of Venus Genetrix is a temple in the Forum of Caesar, Rome, dedicated to the Roman goddess Venus Genetrix , the goddess of motherhood and domesticity. It was dedicated to the goddess in 46 BC by Julius Caesar.Caesar originally planned… … Wikipedia
Venus Genetrix — may be: *An epithet of the goddess Venus *Venus Genetrix (sculpture), the name for a type of sculptural depiction of the goddess thought to represent her under this epithet … Wikipedia