- Диккинсон Вильям-Гаушип
(Dickinson) — английский врач. Род. в 1832 г. Нап.: "On the action of digitalis upon the uterus" (1855); "On the pathology of the kidney" (1861); "On the function of the cerebellum" (1865); "On the nature of the so-called amyloid or lardaceous degenerations" (1867); "On the nature of the enlargement of the viscera, which secures in rickets" (1869); "Kidney and urinary diseases" (т. I: "Diabetes", 1876, т. II: "Albuminuria", 2 изд., 1877); "On the tongue as an indication in disease" (1888) и др.
Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона. — С.-Пб.: Брокгауз-Ефрон. 1890—1907.