(Society of Automotive Engineers) – Общество инженеров-автомобилестроителей (США) (см. Таблица вязкостей SAE).
EdwART. Словарь автомобильного жаргона, 2009
EdwART. Словарь автомобильного жаргона, 2009
SAE — may refer to:* Soviet Antarctic Expedition * Scientific Audio Electronics * 3GPP System Architecture Evolution * Space Age Electronics * Supervised agricultural experience * Sae, a J pop singer * Sae, a character from the manga Hidamari Sketch *… … Wikipedia
sae — [ˌes eɪ ˈiː] noun [countable] 1. stamped addressed envelope; an envelope that you put your name, address, and a stamp on, so that someone can send you something 2. self addressed envelope; an envelope that you put your own name and address on * * … Financial and business terms
SAE — steht für: Sammlung Arbeitsrechtlicher Entscheidungen (Deutschland) SAE Institute, ehemals School of Audio Engineering Serious Adverse Event, englisch für „Schwerwiegendes unerwünschtes Ereignis“, schwerwiegender Zwischenfall oder schwerwiegende… … Deutsch Wikipedia
SAE-PS — [eseɪ iː ; vergleiche SAE], in den USA gebräuchliche (Brutto )Leistungsangabe für Kfz Motoren, heute gewöhnlich in Kilowatt (kW) angegeben. Die Kraft verbrauchenden Einrichtungen am Kfz bleiben dabei unberücksichtigt; die Angaben sind daher 10… … Universal-Lexikon
sae — [ˌes eı ˈi:] n BrE stamped addressed envelope or self addressed envelope an envelope on which you have written your own name and address, and usually put a stamp, so that someone else can send you something American Equivalent: SASE ▪ For further … Dictionary of contemporary English
SAE — abbrev. Society of Automotive Engineers * * * … Universalium
SAE — [eseɪ iː], Abkürzung für englisch Society of Automotive Engineers [sə saɪətɪ əv ɔːtə məʊtɪv endʒɪ nɪəz], größte amerikanische Ingenieurvereinigung, die u. a. Normen für Kraftfahrzeuge, Kraft und Schmierstoffe sowie zur Bestimmung von… … Universal-Lexikon
sae — [ ,es eı i ] noun count BRITISH an SASE … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
sae — (self addressed envelope) envelope that already has the delivery address written on it … English contemporary dictionary
SAE — DEFINICIJA krat. tehn. oznaka ljestvice relativne kinematičke viskoznosti motornih ulja (za zimske uvjete rada motora) ETIMOLOGIJA engl. Society of Automotive Engineers … Hrvatski jezični portal