unlimited liability

  • 1unlimited liability — Full liability for the debt and other obligations of a legal entity. The general partners of a partnership have unlimited liability. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary When a promoter is fully liable for the debts of the business, it is called… …

    Financial and business terms

  • 2Unlimited liability — Full liability for the debt and other obligations of a legal entity. The general partners of a partnership have unlimited liability. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * unlimited liability unlimited liability ➔ liability * * *    Where no …

    Financial and business terms

  • 3Unlimited Liability — A type of business where owners share joint and several responsibility for the entire amount of debt and other liabilities amassed by the business. Unlimited liability is not capped at a maximum amount and exists regardless of the amount of… …

    Investment dictionary

  • 4Unlimited liability corporation — Unlimited Liability Corporations exist in two of Canada s 10 provinces Alberta (AULCs for Alberta Unlimited Liability Corporation) and Nova Scotia (NSULCs for Nova Scotia Unlimited Liability Company). Alberta Unlimited Liability Corporations… …


  • 5Unlimited Liability Corporation - ULC — A corporate structure that permits a company to be incorporated and flow all profits and losses to shareholders. An unlimited liability corporation (ULC) shelters shareholders from liability in most circumstances except upon liquidation of the… …

    Investment dictionary

  • 6unlimited liability — A liability to pay all the debts incurred by a business. For a sole proprietor or general partner, liability is not limited to the amount he or she has agreed to invest. All debts of the business must not only be paid out of the assets of the… …

    Accounting dictionary

  • 7unlimited liability — A liability to pay all the debts incurred by a business. For a sole proprietor or general partner (see partnership), liability is not limited to the amount he or she has agreed to invest. All debts of the business must not only be paid out of the …

    Big dictionary of business and management

  • 8unlimited liability — full legal responsibility, total liability …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 9unlimited liability — /ʌnˌlɪmɪtɪd laɪə bɪlɪti/ noun a situation where a sole trader or each partner is responsible for all a firm’s debts with no limit on the amount each may have to pay …

    Marketing dictionary in english

  • 10unlimited liability — /ʌnˌlɪmɪtɪd ˌlaɪə bɪlɪti/ noun a situation where a sole trader or each partner is responsible for all a firm’s debts with no limit on the amount each may have to pay …

    Dictionary of banking and finance