
  • 1rep´re|sen|ta´tion|al|ist — rep|re|sen|ta|tion|al|ism «REHP rih zehn TAY shuh nuh LIHZ uhm», noun. 1. the theory or practice of representational art. 2. the philosophical doctrine that the perception of an object is only a representation of the real object in the external… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 2rep|re|sen|ta|tion|al|ism — «REHP rih zehn TAY shuh nuh LIHZ uhm», noun. 1. the theory or practice of representational art. 2. the philosophical doctrine that the perception of an object is only a representation of the real object in the external world.… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 3rep´re|sen|ta´tion|al|ly — rep|re|sen|ta|tion|al «REHP rih zehn TAY shuh nuhl», adjective. 1. of or having to do with representation: »representational government. 2. of or designating a form of art that emphasizes realistic and conventional representation of subjects and… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 4rep|re|sen|ta|tion|al — «REHP rih zehn TAY shuh nuhl», adjective. 1. of or having to do with representation: »representational government. 2. of or designating a form of art that emphasizes realistic and conventional representation of subjects and the use of traditional …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 5sen — sen·sa·tion; sen·sa·tion·al; sen·sa·tion·al·ism; sen·sa·tion·al·ist; sen·sa·tion·al·is·tic; sen·sa·tion·al·ize; sen·sa·tion·al·ly; sen·sa·tion·ism; sen·sa·tion·less; sen·sa·to·ry; sen·si·bil·ia; sen·si·bil·i·sin; sen·si·bil·i·tist;… …

    English syllables

  • 6rep|re|sen|ta|tion — «REHP rih zehn TAY shuhn», noun. 1. the act of representing: »the boy s representation of his class on the Student Council. 2. the condition or fact of being represented: »“Taxation without representation is tyranny.” The United States Congress… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 7rep — demi·rep; di·rep·tion; ir·rep·tion; ir·rep·ti·tious; ob·rep·tion; ob·rep·ti·tious; pro·rep·til·ia; rep·a·ra·ble; rep·a·ra·tion; rep·er·to·ri·al; rep·er·to·ri·um; rep·er·to·ry; rep·e·tend; rep·e·ti·tion; rep·e·ti·tion·al; rep·e·ti·tious;… …

    English syllables

  • 8rep·re·sen·ta·tion — /ˌrɛprıˌzɛnˈteıʃən/ noun, pl tions 1 [noncount] : a person or group that speaks or acts for or in support of another person or group He had no legal representation [=he did not have a lawyer] during the trial. Each state has equal representation… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 9rep·re·sen·ta·tion·al — /ˌrɛprıˌzɛnˈteıʃənl̩/ adj : showing people and things as they appear in real life : ↑realistic representational art a representational painter …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 10SUN YAT-SEN — (forme coutumière cantonaise de Sun Yixian) a marqué de sa personnalité l’histoire de la Chine à l’époque où s’engageait la longue lutte qui devait faire de ce pays une nation moderne délivrée de l’humiliation coloniale. Attiré à l’origine par… …

    Encyclopédie Universelle