combinatory dictionary

  • 1dictionary — n. 1) to compile a dictionary 2) to expand; revise; update a dictionary 3) to consult a dictionary 4) an abridged, desk; bilingual; biographical; college, collegiate (AE); combinatorial, combinatory; dialect; etymological; general use, general… …

    Combinatory dictionary

  • 2useful — adj. 1) useful for, to (a combinatory dictionary is useful for/to students) 2) useful for, in (computers are useful in compiling statistics) 3) useful to + inf. (it s useful to know several foreign languages when you are traveling abroad = it s… …

    Combinatory dictionary

  • 3recommend — v. 1) to recommend enthusiastically, highly, strongly 2) (BE) (A) she recommended a good dictionary to me; or: she recommended me a good dictionary 3) (B) she recommended a good dictionary to me 4) (D; tr.) to recommend as (she was recommended as …

    Combinatory dictionary

  • 4compile — v. (D; tr.) to compile from (to compile a dictionary from various sources) * * * [kəm paɪl] (D; tr.) to compile from (to compile a dictionary from various sources) …

    Combinatory dictionary

  • 5completion — n. 1) to near completion 2) on completion of (on completion of this dictionary we will need a rest) * * * [kəm pliːʃ(ə)n] to near completion on completion of (on completion of this dictionary we will need a rest) …

    Combinatory dictionary

  • 6cooperation — n. 1) close; wholehearted cooperation 2) cooperation in; with (cooperation in a project with another university) 3) in cooperation with (their dictionary was published in cooperation with the Ministry of Education) 4) (misc.) to enlist smb. s… …

    Combinatory dictionary

  • 7date — I n. time 1) to fix, set a date 2) to bring (smb.) up to date 3) to bear a date (the letter bears no date) 4) a significant date (in history) 5) a cut off; due; target date 6) at a certain date (the meeting will be held at a later date; at a… …

    Combinatory dictionary

  • 8definition — n. 1) to formulate, give, provide, write a definition 2) a dictionary; formulaic; referential; synonym definition * * * [ˌdefɪ nɪʃ(ə)n] formulaic give provide referential synonym definition write a definition a dictionary to formulate …

    Combinatory dictionary

  • 9edition — n. 1) to bring out, publish an edition (to bring out a new edition) 2) (of a book, dictionary) an abridged; annotated; corrected; critical; deluxe; expanded; first; hardback; limited; paperback; revised; thumb indexed; unabridged; unexpurgated;… …

    Combinatory dictionary

  • 10engaged — adj. busy 1) actively; directly engaged 2) engaged in, on (esp. BE) (we are engaged in compiling a dictionary) betrothed 3) engaged to (Bill is engaged to Betty) hired 4) engaged to + inf. (she was engaged to work in public relations) * * * [ɪn… …

    Combinatory dictionary