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The Times Guide to the House of Commons #1

The Times Guide to the House of Commons

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О книге

Compiled and written by the Times' leading political journalists, this guide offers an in-depth look at UK politics in the run-up to the general election as well as a thorough analysis of the outcome
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Compiled and written by the Times' leading political journalists, this guide offers an in-depth look at UK politics in the run-up to the general election as well as a thorough analysis of the outcome and what implications it holds for Britain beyond 2010. For the first time ever, this large-format authority on UK politics will appear in full color, proving an indispensable and enjoyable point of reference for anyone interested in the state of government in Britain. Definitive and authoritative, this study includes commentary and essays from leading Times political writers such as Matthew Parris, Ben MacIntyre, Daniel Finkelstein, and Ann Treneman, covering subjects which range from the classic "2010 Campaign" to the topical "Blair to Brown: Labor's traumatic third term." Chapters also feature an analysis of election statistics outlining which MPs have the most vulnerable majorities; new MPs; MPs by age and length of service; results by constituency - informed and pithy summaries of each MP with color photographs; series of color maps to detail election results; statistics on how the nation voted in 2005 versus 2010; and manifestos from each party.
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HarperCollins Publishers
Язык издания
Формат издания
Основной жанр книги
Нехудожественная литература
Тип книги
Книга на иностранном языке
Hurst Greg
Тип обложки
Твердый переплет, суперобложка
Количество страниц
Информация о технических характеристиках, комплекте поставки, стране изготовления, внешнем виде и цвете товара носит справочный характер и основывается на последних доступных к моменту публикации сведениях


  • Hurst Greg Редактор


  • HarperCollins Publishers Издательство
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