1. Книги
  2. Литература на иностранных языках
  3. Английский язык
Код товара: 5860497
Entertainment: Pre-Intermediate Level | Holden Susan #1

Entertainment: Pre-Intermediate Level | Holden Susan

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978-1-4050-9497-9, 1-4050-9497-7
Год выпуска

О книге

The "Topics series" presents factual information in a modern magazine format. It offers challenging insights into the modern intercultural world from a teenager's viewpoint. Written in direct, up-to-
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The "Topics series" presents factual information in a modern magazine format. It offers challenging insights into the modern intercultural world from a teenager's viewpoint.
Written in direct, up-to-date English, the texts and illustrations are closely integrated for maximum impact.

Key Features:
  • The reader's personal experience is placed at the centre of the reading process.
  • The articles present a variety of text-types, styles and formats.
  • Topics related to science, history and the arts provide specialised information and viewpoints.
  • A Word File glossary of key vocabulary on each page gives essential "while reading" lexical support, with common American and British English differences noted.
  • A Check it Out section provides an up-to-date checklist of specialist language, plus useful websites.
  • Mini-projects and Investigation Points at the end of each article encourage the readers to research further.
  • A Projects section provides ideas for more extensive projects.
  • A light-hearted Quiz page gives more opportunities for discovery and fun.
  • Артикул
    Macmillan Topics
    978-1-4050-9497-9, 1-4050-9497-7
    Год выпуска
    Holden Susan
    Macmillan Education
    Язык издания
    Формат издания
    Количество страниц
    Тип обложки
    Мягкая обложка
    Тип книги
    Книга на иностранном языке
    Автор на обложке
    Susan Holden
    Информация о технических характеристиках, комплекте поставки, стране изготовления, внешнем виде и цвете товара носит справочный характер и основывается на последних доступных к моменту публикации сведениях


    • Holden Susan Автор


    • Macmillan Education Издательство
    Отзывы о товаре 0 Entertainment: Pre-Intermediate Level | Holden Susan
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