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Код товара: 4099095
Baudolino | Эко Умберто #1

Baudolino | Эко Умберто

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In another grand mythical epic, Eco transports readers to the medieval Italy of The Name of the Rose (though almost two centuries earlier), where Frederick Barbarossa seeks to establish himself as the
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In another grand mythical epic, Eco transports readers to the medieval Italy of The Name of the Rose (though almost two centuries earlier), where Frederick Barbarossa seeks to establish himself as the Holy Roman emperor. The story begins in 1204, as the Byzantium capital of Constantinople is sacked and "Baudolino", the adoptive son of Frederick, recounts his life to Byzantine historian Niketas, whom he has just saved from the barbaric Latins. Unfolding amid religious conspiracy theories and mysticism, the narrative, which builds slowly, follows the life of "Baudolino", an Italian peasant boy who fabricates stories he realizes people want to believe in. While studying in Paris, "Baudolino" meets several friends from all over the world, who together divulge their intimate dreams and share their desire to discover distant places. Two decades later, "Baudolino" calls together his friends to embark on what will be a lifelong journey to find Prester John, the Christian priest of the East, whose fabled reputation "Baudolino" has helped create. Eco seems to loosen the reins when the friends set out across unknown territories, where they grope through an eternally dark forest; traverse a river of stones and boulders; and encounter such mythical creatures as the sled-footed skiapods, dog-headed cynocephali and the Hypatia, beautiful sirens with the legs of goats. While the pilgrims are aware, to a certain extent, of Baudolino's truth-stretching, they all come to believe in their search, as does "Baudolino" himself. Eco builds his story upon light theological and historical debates, though fiction and history are more evenly balanced than in his previous book, The Island of the Day Before, making for a more engaging read. While this book lacks the suspense of The Name of the Rose, it is nevertheless a spirited story that might offer those previously daunted by his writing a more accessible entree.
Год выпуска
Эко Умберто
Язык издания
Формат издания
Тип книги
Книга на иностранном языке
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Автор на обложке
Eco Umberto
Тип обложки
Мягкая обложка
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  • Vintage Издательство
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