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Watches International XVI #1

Watches International XVI

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One would have been hard pressed, upon the invention of the first sundial, to imagine that the artistry of the measure of time would one day surpass by leaps and bounds the importance of the very time
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One would have been hard pressed, upon the invention of the first sundial, to imagine that the artistry of the measure of time would one day surpass by leaps and bounds the importance of the very time being measured.
But such is the restless brilliance of the human mind - to seek the endless possibilities of the how, to find the question as fascinating as the answer, to capture the elusive spirit of elegance.
Each passing year presents new daring visions of creativity, and in turn the world's finest watchmakers challenge themselves, and one another, to discover new horizons in a field as rooted in the fabric of the Renaissance as in today's constant global scientific revolutions.
Ageless refinement and relentless reinvention stand side by side, to the awe of horologic enthusiasts and connoisseurs. Page after page, Watches International embraces the past, present and future of the noble art form. United in a single forum, timekeeping luminaries map the vast landscape of their field, each revealing a unique voice as they present the passing of time. While every timepiece shares a constant at the heart of its conception, each tells a story full of nuances and subtleties that bring to the passing second an undeniable individuality.
That first sundial's cast shadow did much more than illustrate time's journey through the day; it gave birth to an art that grows more varied and expressive with each striking demonstration.
Like the time whose passing it so inventively makes visible, haute horology does anything but stand still.
Год выпуска
Tourbillon International
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Тип книги
Книга на иностранном языке
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Jeannot Michel
Информация о технических характеристиках, комплекте поставки, стране изготовления, внешнем виде и цвете товара носит справочный характер и основывается на последних доступных к моменту публикации сведениях


  • Jeannot Michel Редактор


  • Tourbillon International Издательство
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