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Код товара: 32673985
The Tutor | Chapin Andrea #1

The Tutor | Chapin Andrea

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О книге

The Tutor is a sumptuous debut from Andrea Chapin set against the historical intrigue of Shakespearean England. 'Since meeting you, dear lady, I have put quill to page every day. I write and write and
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The Tutor is a sumptuous debut from Andrea Chapin set against the historical intrigue of Shakespearean England. 'Since meeting you, dear lady, I have put quill to page every day. I write and write and write.' Headstrong young widow Katherine de L'Isle lives a comfortable but solitary existence in her uncle's Lancashire home of Lufanwal Hall until events conspire to shatter her tranquility. First, the family priest is murdered - for his Catholic sympathies - causing her uncle and protector to flee the country. Abandoned by their father figure, the Lufanwal residents struggle to cope and old rivalries fester beneath the surface. Into this midst of this upheaval, there arrives a new schoolmaster from Stratford by the name of William Shakespeare. Rude, flirtatious and wickedly witty, Will appalls Katherine. Yet the discovery of a mutual love of poetry draws them together and Katherine finds she can never stay away from him for long. First she is seduced by his words, then by his passion. Beneath her excitement, Katherine knows that Will already has a wife - she becomes his muse but will she ever be his true love? Alone, vulnerable and entangled, Katherine is plunged heart and soul into a passion she cannot control. Meanwhile scandal and intrigue are growing around her family: murder, witchcraft, adultery and high treason loom on the horizon. Worst of all, the more she learns of charming young Will Shakespeare, the more it seems that he is not who he claims to be...
Год выпуска
Chapin Andrea
Penguin Books Ltd.
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Автор на обложке
Andrea Chapin
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Мягкая обложка
Тип книги
Книга на иностранном языке
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  • Chapin Andrea Автор


  • Penguin Books Ltd. Издательство
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