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Hot Topics 1, 2, 3: Instructor's Manual #1

Hot Topics 1, 2, 3: Instructor's Manual

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9781413007145, 1-4130-0714-7
Год выпуска
Изучаемый язык
Язык издания

О книге

HOT TOPICS is guaranteed to engage readers, stimulate thinking, and provoke conversation while supporting reading skills development. The controversial topics explored in the readings have more than o
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HOT TOPICS is guaranteed to engage readers, stimulate thinking, and provoke conversation while supporting reading skills development. The controversial topics explored in the readings have more than one side to them, thus they encourage debate and the forming of opinions.
Students won't be able to stop themselves from increasing their vocabulary and reading skills in English!
Check out these hot topics:
  • Reality TV - Would you be a survivor?
  • Internet relationships - What are the advantages and risks?
  • Anger - Should it always be controlled?
  • Intelligence - How important is it?
  • Psychics - What do they know that we don't?
  • Gambling - When is a game not a game?
  • Privacy - Are our secrets for sale?
  • Lying - What's that on your resume?
  • Fame - Can we please have just 15 minutes of it?

  • Three readings per chapter explore the same hot topic from different points of view. The readings in each chapter vary by genre and increase in difficulty to support reading development.
    A focus on reading skills and reading comprehension through pre-reading questions, skimming and scanning activities, the use of context clues, vocabulary analysis, and the development of critical thinking skills helps students increase their reading fluency.
    Open-ended questions at the end of every chapter encourage students to voice their opinions and defend their viewpoints either through discussion or in writing.
    9781413007145, 1-4130-0714-7
    Год выпуска
    Thomson Heinle
    Изучаемый язык
    Язык издания
    Размеры, мм
    Формат издания
    Количество страниц
    Тип обложки
    Мягкая обложка
    Тип книги
    Книга на иностранном языке
    Автор на обложке
    Cheryl Pavlik
    Информация о технических характеристиках, комплекте поставки, стране изготовления, внешнем виде и цвете товара носит справочный характер и основывается на последних доступных к моменту публикации сведениях


    • Thomson Heinle Издательство
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