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Код товара: 19128195
China: Pocket Guide #1

China: Pocket Guide

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О книге

Berlitz Pocket Guide China is the ultimate handy guide to this fascinating destination, with 256 pages combining authoritative narrative detail and stunning colour photography. The book begins with tw
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Berlitz Pocket Guide China is the ultimate handy guide to this fascinating destination, with 256 pages combining authoritative narrative detail and stunning colour photography. The book begins with two inspirational features: a rundown of China's Top 10 Attractions, followed by a suggested 14-day itinerary around the country. An introduction to China, giving you background information on its complex culture, rapidly changing society, geography and climate, is followed by a concise history, including a quick-reference Historical Landmarks timeline. Throughout the guide, colour feature boxes brief you on points of historical and cultural interest. The main section of the book is the Where to Go chapter, which tells you everything you need to know about China's sights and attractions. Organised geographically, it begins in Beijing and covers each area of the vast country in turn, from the frigid northeast, through the northern heartlands to the Yellow and Yangzi rivers, the amazing city of Shanghai, the subtropical south, exotic southwest and the wide open spaces of Tibet and Xinjiang along the old Silk Road in the northwest. Throughout the section, numbered dots link the sights to the maps. The What to Do chapter is a snapshot of ways to spend your spare time in China, from shopping for bargains and unique items to exploring the country's amazing culture. There is also a Festival Calendar enabling you check what's on when. The Eating Out chapter describes China's rich cuisine, describing what to eat, where to try it and what drinks are on offer. The chapter details the major regional cooking styles, and explains the role of cuisine in Chinese culture and the etiquette involved in a Chinese meal. The final section of the guide is the A-Z Travel Tips, covering all the practical information you'll need - from budgeting to health to transport.
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Berlitz Publishing Company, Inc.
Язык издания
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Тип обложки
Обложка с клапанами
Количество страниц
Основной жанр книги
Нехудожественная литература
Тип книги
Книга на иностранном языке
Информация о технических характеристиках, комплекте поставки, стране изготовления, внешнем виде и цвете товара носит справочный характер и основывается на последних доступных к моменту публикации сведениях


  • Berlitz Publishing Company, Inc. Издательство
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