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The Silver Linings Playbook | Квик Мэтью #1

The Silver Linings Playbook | Квик Мэтью

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Pat Peoples has a theory. The theory is this: his life is actually a movie produced by God. And Pat's God-given mission in life is to become physically fit and emotionally literate, whereupon God will
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Pat Peoples has a theory. The theory is this: his life is actually a movie produced by God. And Pat's God-given mission in life is to become physically fit and emotionally literate, whereupon God will ensure the movie is a romcom, complete with happy ending which, for Pat, means the return of his estranged wife Nikki, from whom he's currently having some "apart time". It might not come as any surprise to learn that Pat has spent several years in a mental-health facility. When Pat leaves hospital and goes to live with his parents, however, everything seems changed: no one will talk to him about Nikki; his old friends now have families; his beloved football team keep losing; his new therapist seems to be recommending adultery as a form of therapy. And he's being haunted by Kenny G.There is a silver lining, however, in the form of tragically widowed, physically fit, and clinically depressed Tiffany, who offers to act as a go-between for Pat and his wife. If only Pat will give up watching football, agree to perform in this year's Dance Away Depression competition, and promise not to tell anyone about their "contract". Easy, really . . .
The New York Times Bestselling
Год выпуска
Квик Мэтью
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Тип книги
Книга на иностранном языке
Автор на обложке
Matthew Quick
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